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Stampede: Racing Royale News

Dev Log: Status of Next Update & More New Content Details

heyhey racers,

The Stampede: Racing Royale team wanted to provide a latest update on upcoming plans for the game. As some folks have noted, it’s been a quiet period for us, with the most recent Dev Log coming in early January, and the last major game update in November. So, here’s a breakdown of what can be shared right now.

In that January Dev Log we shared further details on the next major Stampede update, including increasing the maximum party size, improved visual performance options on PC, and new content to enjoy. We’re continuing to prepare this update. However, unforeseen events across the entire studio have slowed our ability to make progress here. There are now multiple new challenges and factors to overcome before the next major update for the game can be finalised and rolled out.

As you may expect, these new challenges have no set end date, meaning we’re unable to share a date, or time-frame, on when the new update can be expected to launch. We’ve mentioned previously that the ‘end timer’ for Stampede Season 0 in-game is a placeholder, and likely not an accurate gauge of when the update will arrive. That remains the case.

We apologise for the unexpected hold-up and lack of clear timeline, at this stage, for what’s next. The moment that we’re able to give a clear steer when to expect the new update, we will let you know.

Despite this, our team have been working incredibly hard to make that next Stampede: Racing Royale content drop our most exciting and rewarding to date – so we wanted to share more on what they’ve been cooking up.

We’ve already mentioned new features, expansions, and the addition of a new track. We’re hyped to confirm today that this update will include multiple new karts, multiple new tracks, a new PvP feature, and plenty more. Once we have more clarity on the update’s release, we’ll share a full breakdown of what’s coming.

In the meantime, racers can continue competing in our standard three-round, 60-player action, as well as participate in Special Events. We’ve recently increased the amount of Special Events on the calendar, and added Star Chips as an earnable reward for participating in them. That means you can save up Star Chips for Shop items, which continue to rotate with new daily and featured gear.

If you’re looking for more racers to party up with and race against, we highly recommend joining the official Stampede Discord server, where players are connecting daily to race together. We’ve also been awarding the ‘Stampede Star’ role on Discord to outstanding folks in our community, which earns you an exclusive in-game item.

As always, a humongous thank you to everyone for your support in Stampede: Racing Royale’s journey so far. We’ll reach back out with more information as soon as possible.

Stampede: Racing Royale Patch - Star Chips Now Earnable via Special Events!

heyhey racers,

A new patch for Stampede: Racing Royale is rolling out today, introducing a small change that aims to address a common community talking point.

Once players have downloaded the latest patch, they will be able to earn Star Chips - the purple 'premium' in-game currency of Stampede - by participating in Special Events. Each time a player completes a Special Event, they'll receive 15 Star Chips. You won't need to win the event to earn this reward - only complete it. Just like standard Stampede matches, rewards will not be received if you exit before a round is over.

This a first implementation of adding Star Chips as an earnable reward, so we'll be closely tracking feedback from all players on what you think of the change. Your notes will help inform how we proceed with this feature, so we encourage you to share your thoughts across all our channels!

Special Events are available to join from the main menu for a limited time, with multiple events on rotation. Keep checking in to see what's live - or you can head to our Discord server, where the 'Calendar' channel shows when Special Events are scheduled to begin and end.

Thank you to our community for your feedback on this topic, and we hope you enjoy this addition!

Dev Log: News on Party Size, Visual Options, Star Chips Rewards & More!

heyhey racers,

I hope everyone is safely going through the gears and getting back up to speed for 2025! After a busy year, the Stampede: Racing Royale team is already putting plans in place to keep the momentum up and continue expanding the game.

Updates and content drops are on the agenda for ’25, addressing more community requests, with a sprinkling of surprises too. We’ll be sharing more details on specific updates as more gets locked in – but for now, we wanted to share as much as possible on what we’re working on.

[h3]Glimpsing into 2025 for Stampede: Racing Royale [/h3]

A common talking point within the Stampede community (particularly on Discord, where you should definitely hang out with us) is being able to race with more friends at the same time. Increasing the maximum amount of players in a Party has been a regular request, and this is something we’re excited to bring to the game soon. To help further with finding players, we’re also preparing to re-enable the Suggested Friends option in the Friends menu, after fixing a technical issue. Suggested Friends will show the accounts of players you’ve recently played against, with the option to send them a friend request.

Further options for PC players to optimise the game’s visual settings is also something we’re set to address, with frame rate and v-sync options introduced. Japanese as a language option is planned to be added, alongside at least one new track, which we previewed in December’s Dev Log.

Plus – we’ve been chatting to our players on the topic of creating a method for players to earn Star Chips (the purple in-game currency), to help you grab more items from the Stampede Shop if you wish. Our team are making positive progress on this and we’ll post a detailed breakdown of what we’re adding before it goes live.

[h3]‘Tis the Season [/h3]

A big topic we’re looking to lock down is the conclusion of Season 0 and the beginning of Season 1, which will bring fresh content and rewards. As we mentioned recently, the in-game end timer for Season 0 was shifted out to February 6. A little more work is needed to confirm an exact timing for Season 1’s start, so Season 0 will continue until this is completed. Plenty more is being developed for Stampede: Racing Royale updates, and we’ll continue to keep folks posted!

Look out for more information through the beginning of this year, which we’ll share right here and across our Instagram, TikTok and X channels. Oh, did we mention Discord? That’s the best place to chat with our team and the community on today’s news and anything else. See you on the track!

Under The Hood on Kart Performance Stats in Stampede: Racing Royale

As more and more players get stuck into Stampede: Racing Royale and look for ways to be the very fastest on track, we’ve been having more community discussions around karts, and their performance stats. These are the numbers you see when selecting karts from the Garage menu!

We wanted to go under the hood on this one and share some extra info on what the kart performance stats mean, as well as some general insight into how we design and optimise the performance for Stampede karts.

[h2]Kart performance stats in Stampede: Racing Royale[/h2]

Kart performance is designed to be simple and easy for players to follow, but also to be thoroughly balanced, and give players options that have genuine value.

Players will also have different styles and preferences for driving, which will suit them better to different karts, so our team aims to accommodate that with different kart handling styles.

Maps also play a factor here – our maps are purposely varied in design, so that some are suited better to a Light, Standard, or Heavy kart.

Let’s look at the five performance stats that every kart has, confirming what each of them represents. Most of this will not come as a surprise, but there’s some interesting detail in there too!

SPEED – The higher this number, the higher the top speed the kart can reach, when not boosting

ACCELERATION – The higher this number, the faster the kart will gain speed from a standing start, or from low speeds, without boosting

DRIFT – This stat dictates how fast the kart can go whilst drifting, as well as how strong the boost effect is after you’ve finished a drift

WEIGHT – The higher this number, the more that other stats such as Acceleration and Handling are negatively affected. It also affects the amount of inertia the kart can have, and how long it is affected for when struck by a power-up or hazard

HANDLING – The higher this number, the faster a kart is able to change direction and generally grip to the track

Every kart has a unique combination of these five performance stats, which can also be improved as you progress through Kart Mastery trees and unlock perks - like this one for the Behemoth Bruiser:

[h2]How are performance stats decided for each kart?[/h2]

Before a kart is added to the live game, thorough testing and balancing is carried out, racing the kart across a wider variety of tracks to ensure it not only feels fun to drive, but also feels different to the other karts.

As you’d expect, the larger karts in Stampede tend to have higher Weight stats, whilst smaller karts are lower on Weight, but higher on Handling and Acceleration. Once the look of a kart is designed, our handling team create a performance setup for it that generally reflects what you’d expect a real-life equivalent to feel like. From there, it’s tweaked and optimised to give it a unique feel for players to check out.

Our team are always tracking feedback and data around kart performance to help us understand if tweaks should be made to existing karts, and to inform plans if any additional karts are being cooked up for a future update. We hope this breakdown on kart performance is useful, and look forward to reading more on how you’re mastering each kart in Stampede: Racing Royale!

New Holidays Twitch Drops Event is Live!

heyhey racers,

We're rounding off 2024 by rolling out another special Twitch Drops event! Starting now and running until January 4th 2025, our Holidays Twitch Drops are live:

Watch streams of Stampede: Racing Royale on twitch.tv for a total of one hour to grab booth the the headgear item and body item of our penguin friend Brrrton Beaklefluff, and equip them to your character to stay warm and, just as importantly, super cute.

Head to rewards.stampederacing.com to connect your Twitch and Steam accounts, then after you've claimed your items on Twitch, check your in-game Inbox for the rewards. We want a 60-player match filled ENTIRELY with Beklefluffs before December 25th!

Have any questions, or just want to show off your new gear? Huddle up with our community on Discord.