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  2. News

CS Diamantes Pipas News


- We increased the thickness of other player lines for better visibility.
- Fixed frozen tournament bug.
- Correction of the automatic cut-off bug if the player has high ping.
- Correction in resetting the player's name when logging out of an account (MOBILE).

Update 7.99

* Seleção de servidor no multijogador.
* Torneio OFFLINE: Novo modo disponível! Participe de torneios offline.
* Nível 60 PRIME.
* Nova linha PASE e Nivel 60.

Correções e melhorias:
* Torneio ONLINE: Corrigimos problemas de detecção de pipas bugadas.
* DLC VIP: A linha Dente Shark é agora a nova linha exclusiva para usuários VIP (antiga linha passe youtuber).
* DLC Pase: As primeiras 22 linhas do passe estão agora disponíveis.
* Outras correções.

Update 7.98

- Improvements to kite movement when using DISBICAR.
- 3 New Sounds and Rabiola particles.
- 1 New line for the youtuber pass.
- Improvements to the youtuber pass score x1 cutting an enemy and aparar a kite add points.
- We improved and fixed the online tournament.
- Improved youtuber pass: new line sale price in diamonds 3,500 and 4,000
- Other minor corrections.

Update 7.97

  • TOURNAMENT mode fixes.
  • Slightly increased kite speed.
  • Improved performance in critical gameplay situations.
  • Improved performance when buying kites.
  • Improved the animation of the Brazilian kite when using DESCARREGAR-RAPIDO.
  • Improved hand animations.
  • Other minor fixes.

Update 7.96

- New: Select sons to win and lose battles in the settings menu.
- New: Inspiration rewards for winning battles against other players are not announced in chat.
- Fix ONLINE mode FESTIVAL: a problem with the synchronization of the tournament in some situations.
- Other small corrections.