1. Telepath Tactics Liberated
  2. News
  3. Version 1.0.57: Some More Bug Fixes

Version 1.0.57: Some More Bug Fixes

Hey there, tactics fans! I've been on a bit of a bug-fixing spree while working on the May update for Together in Battle, and I figured I should pass along those benefits to Telepath Tactics Liberated while I'm at it. Nothing too fancy here, but some of these fixes were important enough that I thought an update was called for.

First, a few small visual/interface improvements:

  • when grabbing an item sack containing equipment in it in battle, if the grabber can use that equipment and they have nothing equipped in the corresponding equipment slot, the game will now prompt you if you want the character to auto-equip the thing they just grabbed.
  • the game now tracks the last 20 loading screen tips displayed to avoid having repeats too often.
  • item sacks now visually drop onto the battlefield when the ItemDrop script action is invoked.

And now, the bug fixes:

  • fixed: the game was freezing whenever a player-controlled (non-AI) character used Defensive Stance.
  • fixed: the Sick status effect had started making skills cost 2,000% their normal energy cost instead of 200%.
  • fixed: after last month's introduction of the new, more efficient parabolic arc code, battlefield objects chucked with skills like Toss and Throw were no longer getting parabolic arcs.
  • AI fix: due to a quirk in how C# handles integer division, the AI was not applying a penalty to its scoring of attacks against targets with non-lethal on-death attacks (such as explosive charges).
  • AI fix: due to a quirk in how C# handles integer division, the AI was not applying any penalty to its scoring of attacks against targets with non-lethal counterattacks.
  • fixed: when shoving a unit onto a space with an ornamental bridge tile below the terrain, the game would use the bridge for the destination elevation instead of the terrain, sometimes inappropriately causing the target to take damage and/or become stunned.
  • fixed: on certain occasions, item sacks on top of bridge tiles became non-interactable.
  • fixed: it was possible for inorganic destructible objects to get the Poisoned status despite having 100% Poison resistance, just so long as the skill conferring the status was not of the Poison element.
  • fixed: if movement speed was set to instant, doors that AI-controlled characters moved through would not be opened and scripts triggered mid-move via the MoveOver trigger would not be triggered.
  • fixed: attempting to use an item in a character screen during deployment at the start of battle would fail without providing a pop-up message.
  • fixed: with equipment that would replace a filled slot, the shop interface was still only showing a comparison of one stat maximum (rather than the intended 1-3), and could display a stat penalty as a reason for wanting the equipment.
  • fixed: the text sprite for Drowning Res. was missing (most noticeable in shop interface explanations for why certain characters want aquatic armor).
  • fixed: with Vindictive and Vengeful equipment that would replace a filled slot, the shop interface was still failing to display the sprite for additional counterattacks granted by the equipment.
  • fixed: the rear horn in a spriggat's portrait would appear incorrectly scaled, positioned, and colored if a prior character portrait contained a hair accessory.
  • fixed: some safeguards to ensure that a fall into a chasm will always be an insta-K.O. (even if falling 10 levels of elevation might not otherwise cause enough damage).
  • updated the description of Feedback to make its self-healing effects less ambiguous.
  • fixed a couple of typos in the loading screen tips.

Finally, a few improvements for campaign creators:

  • unit tooltips can now display a different fourth stat (besides counterattacks), as well as fifth and sixth stats when browsing characters within dialogue. Simply append the names of the fourth, fifth, and sixth stats after the list name, delimited by commas (e.g. -ShowUnits:UnitsInRoster,BASE Strength,BASE Psy,BASE Accuracy- will cause character tooltips to display the unit's base strength, psy, and accuracy in addition to their health, energy, and speed).
  • new sound effect: Crowd Booing Muffled.
  • added missing documentation for the pitch range parameter in the PlaySound script action.
  • added minimum parameter checks to about a half-dozen portrait-related script actions that were missing them.
  • added missing in-game documentation for the Move Over unit trigger.
  • fixed a visual issue with the spot where the necks meet the ears in most of the male "NPC" portrait clothing sets.
  • fixed: the blacksmith interface would show duplicates of weapons in reserve supplies when showing potential items to rename or repair.
  • fixed: equipment-modifying items were not usable in cut scenes.
  • fixed: the game could still display buttons in custom menus twice if they were preceded by hidden buttons.

Annnnd that's about it!

Tactically yours,
