1. Spiritfall
  2. News
  3. Version 1.3.11 - Hotfix

Version 1.3.11 - Hotfix

  • Fixed a bug that caused Enchantments to replace the first slot automatically in certain cases when using the keyboard / controller.
  • Fixed a bug that could stop time when opening the Codex while in the Cosmetics menu.
  • Fixed Kael getting stuck in idle while standing on the left side of the Damage Contest Frigid Veil room.
  • Adjusted chance for different Daring Duo rooms based on region. Outskirts now has a greater chance of offering a Target Practice room compared to the other variants.
  • Slightly increased power scaling of the Daring Duo in Damage Contest rooms based on the region (base for Outskirts, +20% for Viridian Trail, +40% for Burrows, +60% for Frigid Veil).