1. Vampire Syndicate: Gangs of MoonFall
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Vampire Syndicate: Gangs of MoonFall News

Regarding the old demo

Hello everyone!

I have removed the old demo from the store page temporarily. As some of you may know, that demo was built last year for the previous kickstarter attempt, and was in a completely different engine.

When I started migrating to UE5, I was on the fence about keeping it up. On one hand, it would give players a glimpse into the world, characters and writing style. On the other hand, it looks completely different and can be confusing for people not familiar with this game's brief development history.

I decided to update the demo with a big text warning explaining how outdated it was when the demo launched.

That doesn't seem to be enough. Since the full trailer and a surge of interest in the game, I have received numerous complaints regarding the demo, so I decided to de-activate it for now.

I do plan on re-activating it when the updated demo is ready. But I don't want to rush this and give people a bad impression, so it may take some time.

Thank you for understanding,


Full trailer is here! 🚀🚀🚀


Full trailer coming soon

Hi everyone! Just a head's up that I'm almost finished with the full trailer and it'll drop soon. I spent and lot of effort and heart on it, so hopefully it'll be something that people like.

It'll also probably end up egregiously long for a trailer, but I wanted all the major features to be covered.

