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Mika and The Witch's Mountain News

Japanese and Chinese languages now available

Yōkoso! Nǐ hǎo!

We’re a bit late to the party, sorry, but here we are with good news again: Japanese and Chinese are now available as selectable languages in Mika and the Witch's Mountain.

Check the trailer:

We hope that players from these regions can fully enjoy Mika and the Witch's Mountain in their language, please feel free to share your reviews after playing it!

[h3]About fixes from the last Content Update[/h3]
We were reading all your messages from the past days about some issues while playing the Dungeons.

We’re working on fixing them all as soon as possible, so thank you so much for your patience and sharing your comments to let us know!

You can also join our Discord server to share your experience with our players or ask/report anything to the team.

Minor fixes patch

- Fixed water trail visual.
- Fixed minor bugs.

New FREE Content Update: Into the Mount Gaun is now available!

Mika and the Witch's Mountain's latest free content patch IS NOW READY TO PLAY 🎉

Extra: we are aware that these dungeons can be challenging for some players, so we have prepared this guide to help you complete them more easily if you need to.

Check the trailer:


[h2]Into The Mont Gaun - The 3 Zelda-like Dungeons[/h2]

Into the Mont Gaun is Mika's final test to become a real witch and master the winds with her magic broom.

The Simiente has some final challenges to complete your witch training and has promised a great reward. Are you up to it?

You will have found some altars scattered around the island during your deliveries, right? Well, they are the access points to get into the mountain, where you’ll find:

[h3]The Dungeon of the Fire[/h3]

[h3]The Dungeon of the Wind[/h3]

[h3]The Dungeon of the Water[/h3]

Each of these dungeons presents different challenges where you will test your skills and wit. The goal? Reaching the top (sound familiar? haha) of each dungeon to get the elemental magic trail of each one.

Pay attention! In addition to solving the puzzles, there are also hidden secrets (4 in each dungeon, 12 in total).

[h2]The Green Witch outfit[/h2]
“Now you master the winds”

The last and perhaps most anticipated of Mika's outfits, the Green Witch, is your reward for completing the challenges of the Simiente.

This outfit has been worn by all the adventurous witches who came before Mika to Mont Gaun seeking to meet its challenges. When completed, they were considered masters of the wind, as they could control the broom flight to perfection.

With this costume, upward flight is unlocked, so Mika can now also fly her broom in that direction. A very inviting possibility if you wanted to enjoy a long flight around the island, reach a last corner to explore or take some nice pictures!

[h2]It’s Chibig’s 8th Aniversary![/h2]
Haaappy Biiiirthday tooo uuuus 🎉🎉🎉

It's our eighth anniversary since our adventure as indie game developers began, and many exciting things are happening at once!

In addition to this content update, we've also announced Elusive, our new adventure where we'll be stepping into the tiny boots of a young raider following in her father's footsteps in the world of giants.

We are also celebrating our first Publisher Event on Steam: Chibig Universe of Games Sale, so if you want to complete your collection of Chibig games or get into this universe of interconnected adventures for the first time, it's the perfect time!

3rd Content Update

Mika and the Witch's Mountain: Into the Mont Gaun is the Third Free Content Update for this delivery witch adventure.

This update has added:

  • 3 Dungeons levels
  • Plus 2 hours of extra gameplay
  • New Green Witch outfit
  • New collectibles
  • Free flying mode (with Green Witch outfit)

Mika and the Witch’s Mountain launches today!


On August 21, 2023 we took the big step of launching Mika and the Witch's Mountain for Steam (PC) in Early Access along with a content plan that we would be developing in the following months. You can check the Roadmap here.

After 5 months from this moment, two of the three planned content patches have been released, adding more content to the game and not only extending the gameplay hours, but also enriching the experience of this adventure. More quests, more mini-games, more characters, more cosmetics, more, more, more, MORE!

Check the new trailer:


That said, we can't forget that together with the content, the experience of playing Mika and the Witch's Mountain is now more polished and more “bug free” thanks to the support and feedback of all the people who have trusted in our proposal and wanted to contribute to make it even better.

If you don't believe it, take a look at all those positive reviews!🫶 Thank you for taking the time to write them and share your experience to encourage others to let Mika into their hearts.

BUT NOW, Mika and the Witch’s Mountain leaves the Early Access status and goes to the full launch today, followed by Nintendo Switch, Xbox and PlayStation. There’s only one last update to complete all the content planned: The Third Free Content Patch - Into the Mont Gaun.

The final content patch: Into the Mont Gaun, will be included in the following weeks. Three Zelda-like dungeons to go deep into the depths of the mountain, prove yourself and unveil the secrets of the elements.

If you were still hesitating to give Mika and the Witch's Mountain a chance, we're celebrating this happy event with a LIMITED 30% LAUNCH DISCOUNT. So ruuuuuuun.

And that’s it!

If you were here from the very beginning, thank you for your amazing support and feedback, and if you just joined, hope you really have a good time playing our little delivery adventure inspired by Kiki’s Delivery Service and Wind Waker.

Let us know in the reviews and fly high!