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  3. Patchnote [19.03.2025]

Patchnote [19.03.2025]

[h2]Faction armour[/h2]
[h3]Adding analogues of the armour suits of the northern factions[/h3]

Faction armour suits have been set to four archetypes:
  • Super-Heavy;
  • Combat;
  • Combo;
  • Scientist.

Armoured suits of the combat, combo, and scientist archetypes have minor differences in characteristics that highlight the individuality of the Northern factions, but remain within the intended archetype.

We will monitor the effectiveness of the suits and adjust the ones that are striking out in effectiveness accordingly in a timely manner.

All suits will carry their temporary model! In the future, the models will be changed to more elaborate versuibs.
  • Frontier's combo suit

  • Frontier's scientist suit

  • Covenant's combo suit

  • Covenant's combat suit

  • Mercenaries combat suit

  • Mercenaries scientist suit

  • Rise's combat suit

  • Rise's scientist suit

[h3]Factional suits balance changes[/h3]

[h3]Special offer for Punisher owners[/h3]

The Punisher armour suit has had significant characteristics changes, to match the Northern faction's combo armour archetype. Therefore, owners of the suit will be able to exchange it for any other Mercenaries armoured suit.

The offer will be valid for the next 2 weeks.

[h2]Changes in cross-factional squad work in the South[/h2]

The mechanics of squad creation and the display of allies' death tags in the southern territory have been updated.

All members of the Stalkers, such as Rise and Frontier, can now squad with each other without restrictions and see each other's places of death. The same rule applies to the Bandits root faction.

[h2]Night-Vision Goggles changes[/h2]

  • Reduced overall brightness of all NVGs by 25%;
  • The Master quality White coloured Assault NVG has partially inherited the colour component of the blue Master quality Assault NVG;
  • The Master quality Blue coloured Assault NVG is now more similar to the NVD-11 Export, which has been removed from the game.

[h2]System lots[/h2]

Added a separate auction section that will include items placed by the system. This section is temporary and will be removed later.

If an item has a status of “personal on receipt”, its icon will be framed and a lock symbol will be shown.

[h2]NA region Subdivision Battles time changes[/h2]

The following Subdivision Battles modes time changes were made:
End of registration
  • Brawls | 20:30 → 19:30
  • Tournaments | 20:30 → 19:30
Start time
  • Brawls | 21:00 → 20:00
  • Tournaments | 21:00 → 20:00

[h2]Other changes and fixes[/h2]

  • Replaced the sounds of the SAC-1 Wide Range Detector;

  • Fixed charms physics when the player turns horizontally;
  • Increased brightness of the Buryat Short Range Detector screen;
  • Updated SIG Sauer P320 interaction sounds;

  • Added forced respawn after being in the death screen for 5 minutes.