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Sinners Landing News

Hotfix 0.14.0m

This is a hotfix that solves some issues reported by testers; primarily associated with some dungeon potions being wrongly set up, and some temporary combat cards being broken.

Full changelog:

- Added guards for potions not initializing correctly
- Fixed temporary cards causing errors on new saves

- Fixed dungeon potion error

- Fixed addressable issue related to triggering conversations

- Fixed some instances where combat fails to complete

- Fixed Pog's latest spankbank not stopping

Blacksmith's Tomb Update

Tristan’s life as the Chosen One isn’t getting any easier. This update contains continuation of content from Truth and Glory and more of Pog's story line.

Things get hot and steamy with Dawn, though her Vestal Virgin vows keep getting in the way. If only there was something like God's loophole...

Dead Mentor Tell No Tales

Continue Pog's tale as she explores her backstory, and gets down and dirty to play with Tristan.


All Flexible Media games are part of Visual Novel Fest and are on sale now! Grab Paradise Lust at 30% off, with Paradise Lust 2 and Sinners Landing at 20% off!



What do you think of the update? Any girls you want more content on? Let us know in the comments, or come join us on Discord!

Hotfix 0.12.0e

This hotfix accumulates patches for various small issues and bugs we've seen since the Jan 30th build (Truth and Glory).

It fixes typos, some combat errors (associated with the Woodys and cards), an error some people were seeing with the portcullis minigame, UI issues on Steamdeck and a lot more.

A huge thanks to everyone who helped report bugs and test it on the Beta Branch!

With that we're off towards the next build, with new content hopefully rolling onto the Beta Branch this week.

Full notes:
- Fixed some combat errors
- Fixed portcullis minigame errors
- Fixed portcullis minigame not displaying "how to play" text

- Fixed item gained notification sometimes not showing
- Fixed some UI issues on Steamdeck

- Fixed woody trees dungeon monsters sometimes not dying
- Fixed progression issues when retreating in the vision quest dungeon

- Fixed save files where minigame complete music is being looped
- Fixed broken autosaves in story dungeons
- Fixed ally names when camping in a dungeon with an ally
- Fixed gold requirements for Morwenna's tithe
- Fixed some typos

- Fixed sfx issues in some minigames
- Fixed missing sfx in click to swap, and tangled minigames
- Fixed colored dot showing on other minigames
- Fixed Tyra sometimes showing up in the Mourningwood dungeon during Truth and Glory dungeon quest
- Fixed Dawn sometimes not showing up in the Courtyard
- Fixed some typos

Truth and Glory Update

How is life as the Chosen of the Fire Temple? Hard. Very hard.

This month's update is called Truth & Glory, returning to the two priestesses of the Temple of Fire and Lust.

Both Sinners Landing and Paradise Lust 2 will be participating in the upcoming VN Fest, and we're of course hard at work with an update to go along with that.

Enjoying the game? Wish we had more content of specific girls? Let us know in the comments!

Hotfix 0.11.4c

Very small hotfix, but critical; it fixes a bug where people didn't buy the map from Annya the first time, they would be unable to go back and buy it.

Fixed not being able to buy Annya's map