An update on Demon Spore
To our players,
This year, Demon Spore traveled the world through events like PAX, IGN Live, GDC, and SXSW Sydney. It’s been thrilling seeing so many people play together and hearing all the positive feedback. We’re really feeling great about all the progress we’ve made since our journey with Demon Spore began.
We also found opportunities to make Demon Spore a fuller experience with deeper progression and narrative. As a result, we’re keeping Demon Spore in the petri dish a little longer and shifting the release date to 2025.
This will give us enough time to meaningfully expand on the game in ways we think you’ll all appreciate.
Keep an eye out for more updates in the new year. Can’t wait to show everyone what we’ve been up to!
This year, Demon Spore traveled the world through events like PAX, IGN Live, GDC, and SXSW Sydney. It’s been thrilling seeing so many people play together and hearing all the positive feedback. We’re really feeling great about all the progress we’ve made since our journey with Demon Spore began.
We also found opportunities to make Demon Spore a fuller experience with deeper progression and narrative. As a result, we’re keeping Demon Spore in the petri dish a little longer and shifting the release date to 2025.
This will give us enough time to meaningfully expand on the game in ways we think you’ll all appreciate.
Keep an eye out for more updates in the new year. Can’t wait to show everyone what we’ve been up to!