1. Aground Zero
  2. News
  3. Colony World - Update 0.3.14

Colony World - Update 0.3.14

The first interstellar planet - CaptAIn's Colony, is ready to visit! There's a short questline there, and several easter eggs, and I think it came out really cool in the end! While I might eventually allow landing on the surface of the planet, everything currently takes place in the space station in orbit around CaptAIn's Colony - let me know if you're interested in some sandbox building on the surface!

  • Added colony world orbit - the planet's appearance will change as the colony grows too!
  • Added transitions for moving between planets
  • Added pomp hairstyle (we're planning more, as well as edits to the original hairstyles)
  • Added transfer station, storage and gravity generator
  • Added trash slot to inventory window - lets you quickly drop items. Shift+click auto-moves items to trash slot
  • Allowed dismantling of moon lab debris
  • Added alloyed steel (craft in assembler or factory)
  • Jump must be pressed mid-air to fly (holding it will now do a normal jump, you have to hit jump twice to fly)
  • Book of summoning now sorts objects
  • Added place limits to orbit so that a ship never gets stuck on placed blocks immediately after entering orbit (existing blocks will remain and can be mined, but not replaced).

I hope you enjoy this update - there is only one planned major event/questline after this before the end of the science path, which is pretty exciting! I think I'll switch back to the magic path now for a bit though - it's time to add mars!