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  3. BOSS FIGHTERS Patch Notes - Version 0.53.2_3b

BOSS FIGHTERS Patch Notes - Version 0.53.2_3b

[h3]BOSS FIGHTERS Patch Notes – Version 0.53.2_3b[/h3] 🆕 [b]New Features & Gameplay Changes[/b] [i]Fighter Gadgets Cooldown Update[/i] [list] [*]Fighters’ gadgets now continue to recharge at a reduced rate even while caught in the boss’s claw. [*]This change creates a more balanced and engaging experience for both Bosses and Fighters. [/list] [i]Fighter Orbs Improvements[/i] [list] [*] No More Stuck Orbs: Orbs no longer get stuck in mid-air or fall inside objects. [*] Predictable Drops: Orbs dropping from the Boss follow a consistent pattern, making it easier to anticipate and plan your attacks. [/list] [i]Balance Update[/i] [list] [*] Antimatter Gun: Increased charge speed and projectile velocity. [*]Boss Auto Repair Gadget: reduced healing effect [*]other various balance changes [/list] 🔊 [b]Audio & Visual Enhancements[/b] [list] [*] New SFX A variety of new sound effects have been added to enhance immersion. [*] VFX Optimization:Select visual effects have been optimized to improve overall performance and reduce lag. [/list] [b]🏟️ Arena & Interactive Elements[/b] [i]Arena Interactivity Updates:[/i] [list] [*] Minor tweaks and fixes to interactive elements on the arena floor, aimed at improving gameplay flow and player engagement. [/list] 🖥️[b] UI & Performance[/b] [i]UI Improvements:[/i] [list] [*] Small updates to the interface for a cleaner look and better usability. [*] [i]Performance Optimization:[/i] [*] General optimizations to boost game stability and reduce load times. [/list] Dive into the latest update and let us know your feedback. Enjoy the fight! 🔍 [b]Known Issues[/b] [list] [*] Value Perks roll on NFT Crafting: Currently, there is no option to roll Value Perks during NFT Crafting— only accessible during an NFT Merge. [*] Skin Set Bonuses Not Available: At this time, there are no bonuses for completing certain skin sets, such as "Feeling Toasty" and "Toxic Cola". [/list] [i]Boss Equipment Bug:[/i] [list] [*]Some players may experience issues with equipping items for the boss. Selected items may not always equip correctly. [*]Temporary Solution: Restarting the game typically resolves this issue. [/list] Please report any issues, and we’ll continue working on improving game stability. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43491618/0eaf817fe3f836878520c509d4573c76ceb9d9f3.png[/img]