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  2. News
  3. Stagger Deep Delve and TGAGWCAGA

Stagger Deep Delve and TGAGWCAGA

Two tidbits to share with you all, one that has happened already and one that's inbound soon!

First up, a Deep Delve by me into the Stagger mechanics of As We Descend so you'll be well equipped on your future descent:


And the other bit of news is that we'll be participating in TGAGWCAGA (or The Game Awards for Games Who Can't Afford the Game Awards) a brand new indie showcase that's going to pop off this Friday (the 13th)! It's designed to spotlight incredible indie games that truly deserve more attention—while also poking a bit of fun at the exclusivity of The Game Awards. So if you're into super awesome indie games, make sure to check it out. You can subscribe here to watch it when it goes live: https://www.youtube.com/@TGAGWCAGA

TGAGWCAGA will also have a Steam Event running from December 13th to December 22nd, so we'll be there!

You're probably tired of hearing me mention this, but obviously we couldn't do this without our awesome player base. To get the game in front of as many players as possible, you can Wishlist and Follow As We Descend:
