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  3. Demo now paused until later!

Demo now paused until later!


The demo for As We Descend has been paused until we're ready to re-launch it for the next phase. Thanks a bunch for the wonderful support of the game and for playing our demo! The next version will incorporate community feedback as usual and be even bigger than this one.

As of the moment I paused the demo, you all gave it a whopping 93% positive over 59 reviews! It's so great to hear all the kind words and your thoughts on our game. At its peak, there were 290 players simultaneously playing the demo, and over the timespan we had nearly 17000 players try it out. We were covered by some huge names in the indie space on YouTube as well, like Splattercat, Wanderbot, and Retromation!

If you want to find out news like when the demo for As We Descend returns, you can signup for our newsletter at www.AsWeDescend.com. Not only will you hear about all the happenings, you'll also be eligible to be selected as a beta participant and get back into the game even while the demo is paused.

As always, we appreciate your support for As We Descend. We couldn't do this without you; by sharing the game with your friends and wishlisting, we can make sure to get the game in front of as many players as possible. Wishlist and Follow As We Descend to make sure you get all the announcements as well as a notification when the game launches:

Kev and the team at Box Dragon