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  2. News
  3. Bug Fixes - v1.2.156

Bug Fixes - v1.2.156

Hey Oracles,

New patch with many bug fixes!
Hope this will improve the experience of playing Astrea! 😎🎲✨

🎉Happy Holidays ✨

[h2]Patch Notes[/h2]
[h3]Bug Fixes[/h3]
  • Fixed Reduction dealing more Purification than it should when decreasing two dice Corruption.
  • Fixed Haunted Chalk triggering when Enhancing a die that one of the actions is a Purify with a different value from 1, and the other action is value 1, but is not a Purify.
  • Fixed Anomaly ? appearing on Daily Run and making player fight two bosses in a row.
  • Fixed Anomaly ? second boss not appearing sometimes.
  • Fixed enemy Self Hidden die action with keyword Unforgeable.
  • Fixed Shiny Black Hole and Diceless Anomaly modifiers being able to appear at the same time.
  • Fixed softlock on Draw Phase when there is no dice to roll.
  • Fixed wrong keyword tooltip on some actions and blessings that uses Chanting.
  • Fixed Calm applying less Light Shield than the expected when played on a Virtue or Sentinel Die.
  • Fixed Chest appearing with Crimson Aurora enabled when Stellar Heritage was enabled as well.
  • Fixed sentinel Infinity Boost not working with Vile Repair.
  • Fixed mask that player already have appearing as a reward option on Dusty Amphitheater.
  • Fixed Artisan Staff not applying Infinity Boost to the sentinel when Recycling a non-Broken sentinel.
  • Fixed softlock when player encounters the Ancestral Forge event without any die.
  • Fixed Spiritual Burst, Dune Surfing and Desert Protection not appearing on Chapter 1.
  • Fixed Wave Purification not triggering other enemies Wave when it would drop their Corruption below their Wave amount.
  • Fixed Wave not triggering when Tamed Remora applied Wave to a point where Wave amount would be higher than Corruption.
  • Fixed Wave not triggering when applying it to the same enemy for the second time and it already triggered before, but didn't defeat the enemy.
  • Fixed softlock when playing with Austra on Corrupted Meissa battle and Saiph would deal Random Purify.
  • Fixed Saiph's Help and Virtue Eater effects sometimes not triggering at the right moment.
  • Fixed Saiph's Help effect with wrong name and description.
  • Fixed Outbreak activating twice sometimes.
  • Fixed being able to pick up dice/Virtues during Outbreak animation causing the dice/Virtues to get stuck on weird positions or to the mouse.
  • Fixed softlock when player has Boost and Bottled Aurora reroll triggers Arcanist’s Orrery overdrawing an Epic Die that triggers Boost Purification, then Boost Purification defeats an enemy and another stay undefeated.
  • Fixed softlock when entering an Unknown Location in Astrea's Heart.
  • Fixed Unpredictable not triggering Rolling Stars.
  • Fixed Amplify description with wrong Area Purify value.
  • Fixed Twisted Scroll sometimes not loading correctly the postion of the Virtues.
  • Fixed Dice Gorger and Fission Expertise activation feedback triggering on wrong moments.
  • Fixed forging a Chaotic++, that was created by Invoke Gale, modifying permanently the die that was copied.
  • Fixed created dice through Invoke remaining on consecutive battles like Astrea first phase to second phase.
  • Fixed being able to shuffle sentinels through Multiverse Cube infinitly when coming back from choose sentinel to be replaced screen.
  • Fixed dice appearing as a reward on wrong Chapters.
  • Fixed modded Sentinel Die being randomized into a new die when the first face of the die is an Invoke, Ominous Conjuration, Invoke Gale, Solar Cradle, Pseudo Sun, Resplendent Sun, Massive Sun or Gargantua Sun action.
  • Fixed Mod Settings button not appearing when going to the Main Menu from a run.
  • Fixed Clamor Pact, Shamanic Contemplation, Inner Peace and Illuminating Compass not working when trying to mod them due to a misspelling in the system.

[h3]Localization Fixes[/h3]
  • Fixed Outbreak and Wave typos in english.
  • Fixed Floating Cauldron typo in english.
  • Improved Resonant Buzz, Vendetta, Hatching Chrysalis and Aphotic Instinct description in english.

May Astrea bless you 💙 ❤️
- Leonardo Castanho, community manager and lead dev of Astrea