Community Play, 64 MaxPlayers - Testing for rebelrush
This may be a very bumpy ride to test out the development branch of synergy
We are currently having some rebel rush tests going on right now.
i'd like to try some beta-tests with no achievements that way the day the "Rebel Rush" event does happen we can all play as smoothly as possible.
Take this video into example on how you'll do it. ""
the code is "jonnyhawtsauce" - twitch branch - If you have any questions.
We are currently having some rebel rush tests going on right now.
i'd like to try some beta-tests with no achievements that way the day the "Rebel Rush" event does happen we can all play as smoothly as possible.
Take this video into example on how you'll do it. ""
the code is "jonnyhawtsauce" - twitch branch - If you have any questions.