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  3. Synergy stuff/info & Discord

Synergy stuff/info & Discord

Hey for keeping in touch, Discord link below. Going to annoy our current programmer who is hard at work @ his fancy job now this week hopefully to get Rebel Rush going soon or an alternative way of doing so. I know the "cheevo" hunters out there want this badly but haven't had the opportunity to do so.

Remember we have grown up from our 15-17 age groups and now have our own places, gotten married, some of us have kids. One of us turned out homeless. Another one became an adult rated star. Our old lead programmer is running his own business in Canada. Things have changed drastically so I'm sorry we haven't changed or updated this for you in so long. I really truly am. [/nosarcasm]

We can keep in touch in discord

For now hopefully you've tried out HDTF :-) cheers!