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A Twisted Tale News

Devlog Chap 2 #1 - New screens, parallax effect & lightmap

[h3]Hello dear adventure fans,[/h3]

since you have requested updates here on Steam as well, I am trying to make this possible with a devlog that runs parallel to the Kickstarter updates, but is of course tailored for here. I hope to be able to involve you better.

Having already presented you with a first scene & teaser for Chapter 2, I'm all the more pleased to show you a little more. Not only am I currently drawing the backgrounds for all the scenes (and there will be a few more than in Chapter 1), but I'm also trying to polish up the atmosphere a bit.

So I've been working on the parallax effect and the creation and integration of lightmaps. It is certainly a question of the extent to which these elements can still be described as retro and can be authentically integrated into the 90s 2D design style. I have to admit that this was the main reason why I hadn't even thought about it for Chapter 1. As Chapter 2 will be much darker in some parts, a light map is the most practical option for me. Another alternative would be to recolour and replace Vio's animation sprites, but that would take an enormous amount of time and wouldn't be technically clean either.

With the parallax effect, I really like the play with depth if you don't overdo it and impose it on all the scenes. But it can add a lot to the atmosphere. And I was surprised when I realised that even Broken Sword uses this effect (was it always like this, or was it added in the later versions?).

In any case, I don't want to withhold the results from you. Please note that the screens and tests are not final, so I will still be adding work and effort:


At the moment I'm working really hard to get all the scenes more or less finished and technically integrated, in the next step I would add all the necessary elements so that a clickable rudimentary version is created. I'm trying to add animations late, although I have to admit that I really want to make the fire dance in the fireplace and play with the candlelight. :)

I hope you like this little insight into the current state of things. It's still a bit difficult for me to estimate how much information you want and how detailed it should be. That's why I'm looking forward to your feedback - so don't hesitate to write it below.

This concludes the first entry of the devlog for Chapter 2 here on Steam.
Stay healthy and until next time,
Many greetings from Germany,

First info about chapter 2

As many of you know, I'm currently working on Chapter (episode / book / tale) 2, and have been for a while, so it's about time for an official announcement.

So I'm really pleased to announce publicly that Chapter 2 of A Twisted Tale is going to be more Caribbean than Hermann's (you know which fisherman) wildest dreams.

The graphics are still hand-drawn, but I've decided to overdraw the hard outlines in the colouring process as well. This makes it easier for me to draw and I personally like the look better this way, as Vio blends in better with the environment.

For you, this also means a reunion with familiar and new faces, a large portion of clichés and some cliché-breaking. So you'll come across a lot of things that you wouldn't necessarily expect in a setting like this ;)

Apart from that, I don't want to give too much away, but let the screenshot stand for itself.

Greetings from Germany,

Hotfix online

[h3]Hotfix online[/h3]

+ It is now prevented that the language changes every 2 or 3 clicks if you look at the items in the antique shop in English (sorry, that was a really stupid bug)

New patch online!

+ If you try to use an item with the fisherman's bucket, you now get a reaction
+ If you try to use the seed bag in the antique shop in the English version, Vio no longer accidentally speaks German
+ The last residues from the dialogue of the old demo were removed in the final antique shop (table)
+ The scorched earth in the forest is now also labelled (if the cube is gone)
+ The bug that Vio disappears in the forest at the end sequence when she uses the cube has been fixed
+ Vio now does not have infinite Orichalcum in her inventory (after use)
+ If you load the last autosave after finishing the chapter, Vio is no longer invisible (only applies with the new autosave)
+ If you have used the cube, Vio no longer acts as if she hadn't used it at all when you take a closer look at this item
+ The old lady now reacts when you try to give her the drink she wants using only detergent
+ The display errors of the volume configuration have been adjusted
+ The background music of the Caruso is now a little quieter
+ The dust particles in the antique shop had to be removed because they were too performance-hungry, causing unwanted audio interference (at least it's a bit cleaner in the shop now)
+ The background music at the construction site is now a little quieter
+ The background music at the construction site can now also be customised via the background music settings
+ If the riddle at the antique shop owner is solved, Vio will not continue to consider whether another item might interest him
+ The bug with the empty dialogue menu at the antique shop owner has been fixed
+ In the German version, the older lady now speaks all her passages audibly


+ Wenn man versucht ein Item mit dem Eimer des Anglers zu verwenden bekommt man nun eine Reaktion
+ Wenn man in der englischen Fassung die Samentüte im Antikladen versucht zu benutzen, spricht Vio nicht mehr versehentlich deutsch (in der englischen Fassung)
+ Die letzten Rückstände aus dem Dialog der alten Demo wurden im finalen Antikladen entfernt (Tisch)
+ Die verbrannte Erde im Wald ist nun auch als solche beschriftet (wenn der Würfel dort verschwunden ist )
+ Der Bug, dass Vio im Wald verschwindet und die Sequenz zerstört wird, wenn sie den Würfel benutzt , wurde behoben
+ Vio hat nun nicht unendlich Orichalcum im Inventar (nach Benutzung)
+ Wenn man nach Beenden des Kapitels den letzten Autosave lädt ist Vio nicht mehr unsichtbar (gilt nur mit neuer Autosave-Schreibung)
+ Wenn man den Würfel verwendet hat, tut Vio beim genaueren Betrachten des Items nicht mehr so, als hätte sie ihn gar nicht benutzt
+ Die alte Dame reagiert nun, wenn man versucht ihr das gewünschte Getränk ausschließlich mit Reinigungsmittel anzudrehen
+ Die Darstellungsfehler der Lautstärkenkonfiguration wurden angepasst
+ Die Hintergrundmusik des Carusos ist nun etwas leiser
+ Die Staubpartikel im Antikladen mussten enfernt werden, da sie zu performancefressend waren, sodass es zu ungewollten Audiostörungen kam (wenigstens ist es jetzt etwas sauberer im Laden)
+ Die Hintergrundmusik bei der Baustelle ist nun etwas leiser
+ Die Hintergrundmusik bei der Baustelle lässt sich nun auch über die Hintergrundmusik-Einstellungen anpassen
+ Wenn das Rätsel beim Antikhändler gelöst ist, wird Vio nicht weiterhin überlegen, ob ein anderes Item ihn interessieren könnte
+ Der Bug, dass das Dialogmenü beim Antikhändler leer bleibt wurde behoben
+ In der deutschen Fassung spricht die ältere Dame nun all ihre Passagen hörbar

Chapter 1 released

[h2]Vio's adventure begins![/h2]
[h3]And my journey as Solodev continues.[/h3]

Many exciting months lie behind me and I am really happy that you finally have the opportunity to discover "A Twisted Tale" - with full English and German voice over!

This milestone would not have been possible without the support of the community, the wonderful efforts of the voice actors and the wonderful people who have accompanied me on this journey of solo development. I can't thank you enough for that.

For you players, this means that you can already discover Vio's adventures. Even though the game will be told across 7 chapters, it does not mean that you are playing a half-finished adventure. Each chapter has its own characters, settings, puzzles and stories. The average playing time of the first chapter is 6-8 hours. All further chapters will have at least this length.

Vio's adventures, the stories, settings and the frame story of the adventure are already written and I can hardly wait to continue telling Vio's story. And to continue this heptalogy with you and create it together.

So please feel invited to drop by the A Twisted Tale Discord server. I will also be streaming again at the start of the visible development of chapter 2 so that you can actively participate in the development process. The community has already left a lasting impression in the first chapter, which you can discover in the character Ned Harvey and the Puddelstones. This input from the community is incredibly important to me and I believe that the game will be enriched by it.

I'm really looking forward to continuing Vio's journey with you and telling her story. The sales of the first chapter will go directly into the development of "A Twisted Tale". I hope that enough will be raised so that further translations (Spanish, French and Polish) can be realised. Chapter 1 alone contains over 73 pages (18212 words) of text in English and 76 pages (17836 words) in German. And who knows, maybe soon I won't have to do everything as a solo developer ;)

I wish you lots of fun with A Twisted Tale and a smile or two.

Greetings from Germany,