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  2. News
  3. New customers and goods from DLCs!

New customers and goods from DLCs!

There is an interesting DevLog on Gas Station Simulator that you might want to have a look at as it will have a significant impact on Road Diner, too:


We decided to expand the concept of Gas Station Simulator, Road Diner and Motel Simulator influencing and supporting each other onto DLCs as well. The above DevLog features a few examples of how this will look like based on the soon to be release Airstrip DLC.

Things like having Gas Station Simulator and the Airstrip DLC will provide additional goods for the Road Diner or even very special customers. Definitely worth a read!

[h2]Road Diner Simulator will take part in Routastic Event[/h2]

And last but not least – Routastic Event is getting closer and closer, and we've already started a series of giveaways on our social media channels. The event will feature some huge discounts, great bundles, showcase of our & friendly developers' games, and much, much more, so you'd better mark those dates in calendars. Stay tuned for more information coming within next few days.