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  3. High Elo Girls - August 2024 Update

High Elo Girls - August 2024 Update

What’s up, Reckoners!

We hope you’ve been doing well since our last update. It’s been a HOT minute, so we’re here to bring you up to speed on the production of High Elo Girls (HEG).

Art, writing, coding, sims, everything. E-VE-RY-THING.

Queued up yet? Yes? Excellent! Here’s the rundown:

[h2]HEG’s New Release Date & Platform Update[/h2]
Once again, the High Elo Esports Meta has changed — which means we have to (again) change our game strategy. As a result, HEG will now see a potential release date in Spring 2025. This will give us enough time to really make the game extra fun, extra special, and extra Extra.

On top of a new release date, there’s also a new platform update. In addition to Steam and PC, High Elo Girls will also be releasing on Xbox! If you’re an Xbox console gamer, you’ll now be able to get the full High Elo experience alongside your friends on Steam/PC.

Or, you know, you could also get the game on all the platforms and play them back-to-back. We won’t judge.

[h2]Inside The Gamer Game Dev’s Den[/h2]

[h3]NEW IN-GAME UI![/h3]

We’ve refreshed the UI for Reckoners of Forsaken Lands (RoFL)!

For context, we have a fairly complex backend system designed to integrate your in-story choices (and consequences) with your in-match choices. This called for a more robust UI and UX system, giving you the opportunity to min-max to your heart's content!

(We also just wanted to show off more of our Art Director's amazing illustration skills to help break up the monotony of staring at the same isometric map every match. So relatable, we know.)

Additionally, instead of our current overreliance on Playstyle indicators (Follower, Showstopper, etc), we overhauled the system and are now utilizing early-game Playstyle notifications. That way, you can decide if you wish to continue down one particular path, or play towards other (perhaps more sociable) strengths for the rest of your playthrough!

We've got a lot more in store for this feature, and we hope you'll enjoy testing it out in our refreshed demo coming soon!


In addition to our Art Director, we’ve got some talented artists who are bringing their own artistic flair to the High Elo world. We’ve got the amazing Gaming Lab background (BG) above courtesy of Pinga Penguins, whose work you’ll get to see more of as you play through the game. Additionally, we’ve got Jules Riseling to thank for revamping and polishing the game’s UI, enhancing your gameplay experience and dropping all of our jaws.

We’re super appreciative of both Pinga and Jules providing their skills to our game and cannot wait to showcase them more!


They’re very cute. No notes.

[h3]ALT OUTFITS???[/h3]
We love a classic High Elo fit — you know, the same fit you find esports teams wearing as they stand in a line and cross their arms (you know what we mean).

But the alt outfits…the High Elo Alt Outfits…are on a WHOLE DIFFERENT LEVEL.

Picture it: early-mid 2010s. concert lights, and…


Good googly moogly.

And this is just one of several outfits and scenes you’ll get to explore once the full game comes out. For now, however, we’ll leave you with this one teaser. Trust us — it'll last you a while.

[h3]FRESH MEMES[/h3]
We’re slowly churning out the game, and we think a fresh batch of game content should come with a fresh batch of memes! Here’s one of our favourites:

(insert sounds from the world’s smallest violin)

That’s all for now! Follow our official Twitter (@split_fate) and Bluesky (@split-fate.bsky.social) for game updates, memes, and more. And while you’re at it, join our Split Fate News Discord to get priority notifications via devlogs, memes, and more.

We hope to see you on the Forsaken Lands soon!

Vivi, Comms Manager - Split Fate Studios