1. Hired 2 Die
  2. News
  3. Hotfix


- Players that die inside an object or wall are less prone to be revived and get stuck inside it
- New confirmation popup for closing a room
- Added a highlight to the shortcut door between Zone A and B in "A Simple Job"
- Added remote door installation boxes to missing "The House Always Wins" contracts
- Slightly decreased energy consumption in all contracts
- Fixed a bug where the player wouldn't be able to grab a garbage bag after certain conditions
- Fixed a bug that prevented players from grabbing more locks on the Hunt contract in A Simple Job
- Slightly nerfed how much of the Ringmaster's influence is constantly affecting players on extra time
- Increased the number of starting flashlights in the delivery lockers in certain contracts
- Fixes in "A Simple Job" distortion e-mails
- VSync is not turned off now in lower graphics settings
- Light Generator doors now open simultaneously
- Fixed flashlight flickering with player mesh in passive mode
- Small performance optimizations in all contracts
- Small UI fixes