Clanfolk Progress Update! (Skill System Upgrades, Grief, and Mourning)
Hi Everyone,
It has been a very busy month since the last Progress Update. Here are the highlights of what I have been up to and what is now available in the Testing Branch.
Update 15 should be ready for the Default Branch near the end of the month, I am trying for September 24th, but that date is not set in stone as of yet. There are still translations to do, tuning, and bugs to fix, but the major system work for Update 15 is done!
Note: Anyone can join the Testing Branch under Clanfolk/Properties/Betas on Steam.
[h2]Skill System Upgrades![/h2]

The picture above is probably worth a look to explain what is happening and why now.
So, Finlay and Cirstan both have an aptitude for hunting. This made it more likely (but not guaranteed) that Cristane would inherit or even improve upon this skill, and she did.
Cristane also inherited the Tireless Quirk from her parents, but Gloomy snuck in there as well from Finlay.
Now looking at Beak, she inherited aptitudes in both Hunting AND Doctor from her parents. The Hunting line appears to be very strong in this family with high aptitudes through the generations.
On the other hand, Colen is a bit of a rebel. The Tireless and Hard Working parents and grandparents caused a somewhat uncommon flip in the inherited trait, and it turns out that Colen is lazy, and beyond that not much of a hunter, though he did inherit some joy for doctoring from his father, Malcome.
This picture shows a pretty good example of how Quirks and Aptitudes can now be passed down, and picking partners with the desired traits for Clanfolk can influence how the children will develop.
[h3]Aptitude Improvements:[/h3]
[h3]Quirk Improvements:[/h3]
[h3]Skill Improvements: (The Skill Potential System)[/h3]
[h3]With the new Tiers, XP rates needed adjustments as follows:[/h3]
[h3]Skill Dragging![/h3]
[h2]Grief, Wakes, Flowers, and Mourning![/h2]
[h3]Wake Table[/h3]
Thanks very much for your support!
Andrew Hume (Blorf)
MinMax Games Ltd.
It has been a very busy month since the last Progress Update. Here are the highlights of what I have been up to and what is now available in the Testing Branch.
Update 15 should be ready for the Default Branch near the end of the month, I am trying for September 24th, but that date is not set in stone as of yet. There are still translations to do, tuning, and bugs to fix, but the major system work for Update 15 is done!
Note: Anyone can join the Testing Branch under Clanfolk/Properties/Betas on Steam.
[h2]Skill System Upgrades![/h2]

The picture above is probably worth a look to explain what is happening and why now.
So, Finlay and Cirstan both have an aptitude for hunting. This made it more likely (but not guaranteed) that Cristane would inherit or even improve upon this skill, and she did.
Cristane also inherited the Tireless Quirk from her parents, but Gloomy snuck in there as well from Finlay.
Now looking at Beak, she inherited aptitudes in both Hunting AND Doctor from her parents. The Hunting line appears to be very strong in this family with high aptitudes through the generations.
On the other hand, Colen is a bit of a rebel. The Tireless and Hard Working parents and grandparents caused a somewhat uncommon flip in the inherited trait, and it turns out that Colen is lazy, and beyond that not much of a hunter, though he did inherit some joy for doctoring from his father, Malcome.
This picture shows a pretty good example of how Quirks and Aptitudes can now be passed down, and picking partners with the desired traits for Clanfolk can influence how the children will develop.
[h3]Aptitude Improvements:[/h3]
- Added Aptitude Inheritance. The higher the Aptitudes of the parents, the greater chance to see Aptitudes in the children.
- If both parent share an Aptitude, then chances are even higher in children as well.
- Up to two Skill Aptitudes are allowed now, if one of the Aptitudes is passed down from a parent.
- Task enjoyment is now more weighted towards tasks with High Aptitude (people like doing things they are good at)
[h3]Quirk Improvements:[/h3]
- Quirks now have a 70% chance to pick a random quirk from the parents, BUT there is also a 25% chance in that case to pick the opposing quirk (rebellious children)
- Parents who share Quirks will make them even more likely to appear in children.
- Clanfolk are more likely to get at least 1 quirk now.
[h3]Skill Improvements: (The Skill Potential System)[/h3]

- Skills are separated into 3 bars now vertically, 1-5 is Basic, 6-10 = Skilled, 11-15 = Advanced
- Skill Potential is shown as empty black boxes, and skill level is shown as gold boxes. This allows seeing at a glance everyone's potential in the Skills Index
- Everyone can attain skill levels 5. (Basic)
- Clanfolk also get 4 skills that can become level 10 (Skilled)
- The Advanced Tier is only available with Aptitude Skills that receive an XP multiplier. These can reach up to level 15
- Skill Tiers (Basic, Skilled, Advanced) open the potential for future recipes requiring minimum skill levels :)
[h3]With the new Tiers, XP rates needed adjustments as follows:[/h3]
- Aptitude Bonuses: 8x->4x (Max Level 15), 4x->3x (Max Level 14), 2x->2x. (Max Level 12)
- Lowered Skill XP rate to 70% in Standard Points Mode (Idea Points mode was already 50% so I left that alone)
- Increased the Base levelup cost to slow down the early levels a bit since the first 5 levels used to just fly by, but are now important.
- Used to be 5000 Base, and 5000 per level, now is 25000 base, and 5000 per level. Note: this is modified by a multiplier per skill level since some Skills level super quickly while others level slowly. Those modifiers have not changed. So level 1 now costs about as much as level 5 used to etc.
- XP Rate changes likely require more tuning due to the overall levelling slowing by 70% as well. Please let me know how it all feels.
[h3]Skill Dragging![/h3]

- It is now possible to Drag Skills around in the Unit Select window AND the Skills Index
- Added toggle for New Variable Potential vs Old Skill Potential called: "Variable SKill Potential" to the World Setup Options.
- All old saves will continue to work and use the Old Skill Potential System maxing all Skills to 10, instead of some to 5.
- Comments/Ideas are very welcome. There is a lot of tuning involved here so I want to make sure it feels right.
[h2]Grief, Wakes, Flowers, and Mourning![/h2]

- Clanfolk will now experience the Grief Affliction when a loved one dies.
- The severity and length of the Grief is related to how unexpected the death is, as well as the relationship with the deceased.
- This means that Grandpa dying is not that bad and easily managed, but a child starving is a major problem, especially for the parents.
- The Grief affliction can be targeted to multiple Dead Clanfolk at once and is cumulative.

- Grief (the inward part of loss) is handled with Mourning (outward expression of loss)
- The need to Mourn is represented by the new Mourning Attribute Bar
- Note: The Mourning Bar if only visible when there is an active Grief Affliction.
- Once the Wake or Burial begins, Clanfolk will have their Mourning Bars emptied based on how close they were to the deceased. This means close relatives' bars will be very low and they will tend to want to mourn right away, while others will finish out their work day first.
- Over time the Mourning Bar will decrease based on the strength of the Grief Affliction.
- As the Mourning Bar empties, there will be larger Mood Penalties.
- To Refill this Mourning Bar, the Clanfolk can visit a Grave OR the new Wake Table.
- The severity of the Grief afflictions and their length likely needs some tuning, so please let me know how it feels!
[h3]Wake Table[/h3]

- The Wake Table is a place to display a dead Clan member and for their loved ones to say some final goodbyes.
- Attending the Wake provides a positive affliction that will offset the Mourning Attribute decay caused by the Grief Affliction.
- This allows Clanfolk to better handle the loss and maintain a higher mood for longer.
- Wakes happen one by one, not in large groups. Each Clanfolk takes a turn to say goodbye. This also prevents the Homestead from grinding to a halt when someone dies.
- A Wake will last until everyone who wants to attend has attended, or 1 day.
- Sometimes there will not be a wake in the sad case where no one wants to mourn.
- Having the Wake Table be more central to the Homestead will cut down on travel time.
- Only Critical Mourning (Grief Stricken) will interrupt work.
- On Time Off mode, people can Mourn at any time of day.
- Graves and Wake Tables ignore zones (so everyone can mourn as needed)
- Clanfolk now have an Auto Bury and Auto Wake toggle that defaults to on when they die.
- If auto Wake is active or a Wake spot has been picked, Clanfolk will not be buried until after the wake, otherwise into the ground they go.
- When the wake is complete, the deceased will be bagged up in the usual 2 sacks and a rope. At this time, they will also be stripped of clothing.
- This means, for each wake to start, the Table needs to be reset with 2 sacks and a rope.
- The Wake Table can be decorated with Rushlights (which are only activated when the wake is active)
- The Wake Table can also receive a Decorative Hide or Decorative Tartan.
- When the Wake is active, there are also many slots for Flowers.

- Graves and Wake Tables can now receive Flowers.
- Flowers provide an important long term positive Mourning effect that further helps slow the Mourning Bar drain over time.
- Each Wake participant will have the opportunity to bring Flowers if they are available and there are slots available at the Grave/Wake Table.
- Flowers obey Zone rules so if there are no flowers in a Clanfolk's zones, they will not be able to bring them to the Gravesite.
- Having am Herb Rack near the Wake Table will make flower delivery even more efficient
- The types of flowers being delivered can be controlled similar to how stockpiles can be set to allow different items. This is only for aesthetic reasons. (Bluebells/Thistle look the best to me)
- The Flowers and decorations on the wake table do count toward room beauty, so no need to hide it away somewhere.
Thanks very much for your support!
Andrew Hume (Blorf)
MinMax Games Ltd.