1. Lone Fungus
  2. News
  3. 1.0.15 Improved Wall-Bouncing, again!

1.0.15 Improved Wall-Bouncing, again!

I've continued my mission on making the Wall-Bouncing feel better, it should be way more consistent now! As a result I've re-made every Wall-Bounce Ladybug/Astral Section in the game. I hope I did not miss a section anywhere and as a result made some section unbeatable. Generally I'm feeling a bit of a development fatigue now, it's not the best timing to be doing these kind of gameplay altering changes but I want to get them out and finish the changes I've started so I can take that post v.1.0 launch break I have not yet taken.

I've been hearing of players experiencing odd stutters happening in the latest patches, let me know if this has been fixed in 1.0.15!

Changelog :
- Wall-Bouncing boost won't be based on current momentum (it's either normal or super based on wall-distance)
- Improved Wall-Bounce vertical boost (much more consistent)
- Tweaks done to parkour rooms to fit the new changes
- Added some visual effects to Super Wall-Bounces
- Spin Mushmovers will auto-turn the player
- Changed the name of 'Location Explored' to 'Rooms & Secrets found' to reflect more what that counter does
- Made it so you can hover over other areas to see it's percentage
- Improved the bind button process a bit
- Added a remove bind button
- Visually updated the bind screens in Main Menu
- Removed the Practice rooms from completion counter
- Fixed an out of bounds enemy spawner
- Changed how red vines spawn the player a bit (will fix the getting stuck in standup animation too)
- Fixed arrow collision with red vines in Lava Temple
- Fixed a lever on the map having the wrong ID
- Fixed Astral Fragment not showing the description in Inventory