1. Noun Town
  2. News
  3. [v2.2] New Alphabet trainer added!

[v2.2] New Alphabet trainer added!

Welcome citizens of Noun Town! 👋

In this major update we've added an Alphabet training machine! This console, called 'Alpha-Bash', can be found in the airship behind the SRS machine.

The Alpha-Bash console is a fast and frantic way to lock-in foreign alphabet vocab, racing against the clock to set a high score. Listen to a native speaker pronounce a letter, then to hit the corresponding character to score.

Phonetic alphabets can be played in English, Japanese (Hiragana & Katakana), German, Korean, Spanish (MX), Spanish (ES), French, Italian, Ukrainian, Russian, Greek and Egyptian Arabic.

We'll also soon be adding the ability to pick between other topics to learn on the console, including colours, numbers, directions, and more!

Enjoy! :)

The Noun Town team
