Patch Fix
Player Unable to Install Control Panel on Boat Upgrade Station. Fixed issue where the player has a completed control panel ready to install on the boat upgrade station (and has the quest in there journal), but the boat upgrade station does not allow the install. If you have had this issue the control panel should now be unlocked and allow you to complete the quest.
Power Box on Air Refill. Fixed issue If Player ignores Anchor and goes straight to examining and fixing the air refill station using a power box from under Rigg’s Outpost, Player will not be able to clear the quest. If you have had this issue the quest should now be available to complete again by talking with Anchor. We also no longer let you interact with the air refill station before the quest is handed out.
Power Box on Air Refill. Fixed issue If Player ignores Anchor and goes straight to examining and fixing the air refill station using a power box from under Rigg’s Outpost, Player will not be able to clear the quest. If you have had this issue the quest should now be available to complete again by talking with Anchor. We also no longer let you interact with the air refill station before the quest is handed out.