1. Paper Sky
  2. News
  3. 3 Days Left To Back!

3 Days Left To Back!

[h3]Paper Sky is now 90% funded, and on its way to full funding in 3 days![/h3]
[h3]Please consider supporting the project to make it a reality, you can pledge the minimum amount to get the game at a 5$/€ discount, or pledge a bit more to get a copy of my previous game ːcrumbleː[/h3]

[h2]New gameplay footage[/h2]

[h2]Wishlist Update[/h2]

[h3]Almost reaching 20k wishlists in 5 months![/h3]

[h2]It's a boy![/h2]

During the weekend one of our dog had a little baby dog

It's a boy, weighing 160g. We named him Viking because he's a warrior, just like his father, King.

It's been a rough week managing this alongside the Kickstarter campaign, but I'm glad to have the end in sight. I'm humbled by all the support you guys have shown in the comments, on Discord, Twitter, Reddit, in the game world, and through my emails.

[h2]THANK YOU![/h2]
I hope to see Paper Sky fly
