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  3. Nemesis #4 - And the winner is...

Nemesis #4 - And the winner is...


Gather round; the Nemesis #4 community vote results are in!

We salute the community’s efforts and unrelenting propaganda battles on all WARNO’s social media channels. The barrage of images, memes, posts, and whathaveyounots to sway the vote, did in our professional opinion, have a slight effect later in the week, but truth be told, the vote’s results were crystal clear from the start.

So, without further ado….

[h2]Nemesis #4 Winner [/h2]
The overwhelming victor of Nemesis #4 is… drum roll…

Nemesis #4.3 - Capital Defence!

The full breakdown of the vote:
  • Nemesis #4.3 - Capital Defence was - by a far stretch - your favorite with 66,85% of the ballot.
  • Nemesis #4.2 - Northern Edge trailed far behind with 22,19% of the vote.
  • And Nemesis #4.1 - Covering Force Area came a distant third with 10,96%.

That’s it: Nemesis #4.3 - Capital Defence is official and will be released for WARNO in the not-too-distant future!

[h2]Nemesis #4.3 - Capital Defence[/h2] Nemesis #4.3 - Capital Defence features two formations safeguarding the respective nation’s capital during the Cold War: the UK’s Home Defence Region London and the Soviet 2-ya Tamanskaya Gvardeyskaya Motostrelkovaya Diviziya or the 2nd Guards Tamanskaya Motorized Rifle Division based in Moscow, USSR.

Find more details in this DevBlog.

New units and weapons for Nemesis #4.3 - Capital Defence include:

  • The British Home Defence Region London deploys the new FV1612 HUMBER FFR wheeled APC, BEDFORD TM supply vehicle, plus older WESSEX HC.2 SUPPLY helos, new GUARDS riflemen squads (with, perhaps, bearskin hats and red uniforms), new RIFLES PATROL, FV1611 HUMBER PIG and FV1611a KREMLIN PIG, AIRMOBILE TERRIERS squads, and elite SAS G anti-terror squads transportable in CHINOOK HC.1B.
  • Other new units include ROVER PIGLET, CENTURION MK.13 and CHIEFTAIN MK.1/4, L3A4 7,62mm machine gun teams, M2HB M63 12,7mm machine guns in AA mounts, YEOMAN ROVER and FOX ZB298 with ground radar, old-school QF 25-pdr 88mm artillery pieces, BL 5,5-inch 140mm howitzers, and the cutting-edge AS.90 155mm SPAAGs. #
  • The list continues! Long-range air defense will be provided by the massive BLOODHOUND MK.2, STARSTREAK LML provide short-range AA defense, while helicopters include A.109A [RKT] and SCOUT AH.1 recon rotorcraft. New HAWK T.1 trainers and HARRIER GR.5 form part of the division’s air cover.

  • The Soviets are next. The 2-ya Gv. MSD was highly trained and lavishly equipped, and it shows. The elite division will feature the (new) heavy MAZ-535
supply truck, new GVARDEITSY squads with the Resolute trait, the RAZV. BTR-80 recon APC, SIGINT-equipped R-330 RAMA, the T-72A Obr. 83 and T-72K tanks, plus some of the latest T-80U obr. 1989 with Kontakt-5 ERA.
Flying top cover are (new to the Soviets) MiG-23P, L-39 [RKT], Su-15TM, and MiG-29 9.13.

Nemesis 4.3 - Capital Defence will now enter the design and production pipeline. A release is planned for later this year, but keep in mind that this is not a fixed date.

Meanwhile, the other two Nemesis options will return to Eugen’s ideas box and - for now at least - shelved. Perhaps we will dust off the ideas for a run-off vote later down the line or cannibalize some divisions for other offerings. Time will tell.

[h2]Until Next Week![/h2]
That’s all for this DevBlog. We’ll be back next week!

Don’t forget the vibrant WARNO community. Check the latest news on the Steam News page or visit the Steam Forums. Get together with other players on either the excellent Discord server, Reddit page, YouTube or our Instagram.

See you on the battlefield, commander.