2. News
  3. Nemesis #4 Vote Now Open - RP #6 Out Now For Free!

Nemesis #4 Vote Now Open - RP #6 Out Now For Free!

Hello commanders,

We’re back early this week! Not only are we opening the long-awaited Nemesis #4 vote today, but we also bring you a free Reinforcement Pack #6 featuring the new map Kreide.

Furthermore, we also have some news on the upcoming WARNO’s Ranked reboot from Season 1 to Season 2 at the end of this month.

Read on for all the juicy details.

[h2]WARNO’s Nemesis #4 In Brief[/h2]
First things first: Nemesis #4 community vote is now live!

Before we dig in with some house rules and the actual voting link, let’s review the Nemesis #4 options on offer. Check out each DevBlog for all the details on new units, weapons, and division make-up.

  • Nemesis #4.2 - Northern Edge takes the fight to the battlefields of LANDJUT, between Hamburg and the Danish border, where the West German 6. Panzergrenadier-Division, backed by Bundesmarine forces, and the Soviet 94-ya Gvardeyskaya Motostrelkovaya Diviziya with its T-64 armor face off against each other.

  • Nemesis #4.3 - Capital Defence highlights two formations safeguarding their nation’s capital, with the UK’s Home Defence Region London and the Soviet 2-ya Tamanskaya Gvardeyskaya Motostrelkovaya Diviziya.

A reminder of what WARNO’s Nemesis DLCs entail. These are paid mini-expansions containing two paired or themed divisions - one from NATO and one from the Warsaw Pact - bringing new units, vehicles, and weapons. Each Nemesis run features three different offerings, which can be voted on. After the vote concludes, one Nemesis is crowned the winner and enters Eugen’s development and production pipeline! The options that didn’t make the grade will go back into the Eugen cupboard. They might (or not) be dusted off for future offerings, but this is not a guarantee.

[h2]WARNO’s Nemesis #4 Vote Now Open[/h2]
You will find the Nemesis #4 vote below.

You can vote multiple times, but only your LAST vote will be taken into account! Be respectful of the ballot, the Eugen team, and your fellow players. As always: no cheating, bullying, spamming, or insults will be tolerated.

Link to vote

Voting will close on Wednesday, February 12th at 12:00 (CEST) / 11:00 AM (BST) / 6 AM (EDT). We will publish the results the next day.

As is tradition, WARNO’s community (you) has put a lot of effort into swaying the vote into one of the above three options. What’s more, there are plenty of highly detailed posts and comments on WARNO’s social channels discussing the (supposed) pros and cons, unique weapons or units, the rarity of equipment, and all the nitty-gritty details of each of the above new battlegroup options. Be sure to check them out - but do so at your own peril as Nemesis #4 propaganda battles are far from over, and will last until the very last day of the vote!

[h2]Reinforcement Pack #6[/h2]
Next to the Nemesis #4 vote now being open, we have also released a free new Reinforcement Pack #6 featuring the map Kreide. This new battlefield is available from the start in all modes and all sizes!

Kreide captures the quintessential essence of Travemünde, a relaxed Baltic Sea resort and ferry port on the border between West and East Germany. We have realistically recreated this environment within WARNO with a 3x3 (81 km²) map, perfectly suited for large-scale battles.

Kreide was originally designed for 3vs3 matches but can also be played in 10vs10, 1vs1 and in Destruction mode.

Key Features
Inspired by the environments of fellow WARNO maps Urban Frontlines and Tension on a smaller scale, Kreide will also feature a dense agglomeration of urban sectors and building sites. Every building will be able to make a difference in a battle’s outcome.

Of course, it won’t only be close combat. Kreide also features vast plains and open areas with nearby Command sectors, encouraging quick displacements and positional battles.

A large body of water surrounds the battlefield. This is impassable for ground units but accessible for aerial and amphibious vehicles. Adjust your strategy as needed.

Kreide is now available as part of the free Reinforcement Pack #6.

Be sure to share your feedback after the first couple of battles on Kreide. We can’t wait to hear what you think!

What’s more: Reinforcement Pack #6 will also feature a new homegrown soundtrack called Space Train. We know you like rockin’ on those tunes while battling it out in World War III!

[h2]Ranked Reboot[/h2]
As a heads-up, on Friday, February 28th, we’ll close WARNO’s Ranked Season 1 to immediately start Season 2!

Season 2 will feature an expanded pool of maps on top of the original 6 battlefields. This means a total of 11 maps in rotation. We will be adding:

  • _2x3_Death_Row_2vs2_CONQ
  • _2x3_TwoWays_2vs2_CONQ
  • _3x3_MountRiver_1vs1_CONQ_DUEL
  • _4x2_Chemical_1vs1_CONQ_DUEL
  • _3x3_Kreide_1vs1_CONQ_DUEL

[h2]Until Next Week![/h2]
Make your vote count, commanders! We’ll return next week with Nemesis #4 results.

As a side note, Nemesis #3 has not yet been revealed. To speed up development and to make sure to be able to offer our WARNO players something in between other projects, Nemesis #3 has been decided upon by ourselves. More info to come soon!

Don’t forget the vibrant WARNO community. Check the latest news on the Steam News page or visit the Steam Forums. Get together with other players on either the excellent Discord server, Reddit page, YouTube or our Instagram.

See you on the battlefield, commander.