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  3. Nemesis #4.3 - Capital Defence

Nemesis #4.3 - Capital Defence


We are back with the final installment of Nemesis #4. This time, we cast our gaze on two “Capital Defence” formations safeguarding the respective nation’s capital during the Cold War: the UK’s Home Defence Region London and the Soviet 2-ya Tamanskaya Gvardeyskaya Motostrelkovaya Diviziya or the 2nd Guards Tamanskaya Motorized Rifle Division based in Moscow, USSR.


[h2]WARNO’s Nemesis #4[/h2]
A reminder of what WARNO’s Nemesis DLCs entail. These are paid mini-expansions containing two paired or themed divisions - one from NATO and one from the Warsaw Pact - bringing new units, vehicles, and weapons. Each Nemesis run features three different offerings, which can then be voted on. After the vote concludes, one Nemesis is crowned the winner and enters Eugen’s development and production pipeline!

The current Nemesis #4 run:

  • Nemesis #4.1 - Covering Force Area pitting NATO’s Dutch Beveiligende Strijdmacht against Warsaw Pact’s East German 20. Motorisierte Schützendivision, inspired by the opening battles in Four Days to the Weser Army General campaign as featured in our WARNO - NORTHAG expansion.
  • Nemesis #4.2 - Northern Edge takes the fight to the battlefields of LANDJUT, between Hamburg and the Danish border, where the West German 6. Panzergrenadier-Division backed by Bundesmarine forces and the Soviet 94-ya Gvardeyskaya Motostrelkovaya Diviziya with its T-64 armor face off against each other.

[h2]What About Nemesis #3?[/h2] Nemesis #3 has not yet been revealed. To speed up development and to make sure to be able to offer our WARNO players something in between other projects, Nemesis #3 has been decided upon by ourselves. More info to come soon!

[h2]NATO’s UK Home Defence Region London[/h2]
First up are the British with the Home Defence Region London or in short HDR London. Officially designated the London Home Defence Region (numbered #5 on the map), it would have contained a hodgepodge of units cobbled together around a permanent garrison: the 56th (London) Infantry Brigade. Created in 1986, headquartered with the Horse Guards, this brigade regrouped the five Guards battalions based in the British capital. It was responsible for the administration and training of all the London region’s forces.

Other permanent formations in the capital city included:
  • Elements of the Royal Yeomanry (Territorial reconnaissance).
  • The 101st (London) Engineer Regiment (reserve).
  • Elements of the Honourable Artillery Company, which despite its name, was a reserve regiment.

If London should ever be threatened with an invasion or to come under direct attack (though not plausible, including for Moscow, never entirely out of the realm of possibilities), the British Army could also draw from War Material Reserve, which was old equipment kept in storage or more modern equipment under long-term overhaul or repair. Furthermore, nearby training centers (Bovington for The Royal Armoured Corps, Middle Wallop for the Army Air Corps, etc.) as well as numerous RAF airfields would provide additional warfighting assets.

Sources of emergency manpower would include three mechanized (wheeled) battalions to be recalled from Northern Ireland. With World War III and martial law underway, local security forces engaged in the Troubles would be entrusted to act more forcefully against the IRA. This would free up additional regular troops, but create a completely new dynamic in the conflict-rife Northern Ireland of the late 1980s. Of course, the Home Service Force (HSF in-game), a renewal of the Home Guard forces, would also be represented.

[h2]The Home Defence Region London in WARNO[/h2]
What can you expect from HDR London in-game? New units are highlighted in bold and italic.

A pretty good category, as the division will be playing “home advantage”.
  • Command units would include the ubiquitous ROVER CP, GAZELLE AH.1 CP, and the new FV1612 HUMBER FFR. This latter unit is a command variant of the FV1611 wheeled APC, a common sight in Northern Ireland during the Troubles.
  • For supplies, the division gets access to a FOB, BEDFORD MJ, but also its heavier (and new) BEDFORD TM cousin. With all the helo PUMA and CHINOOKS assigned to the British Army of the Rhine, the only few available utility helicopters would be older (but new in WARNO) WESSEX HC.2 SUPPLY drawn from storage.

A very strong category, with numerous cheap slots, as well as a great diversity in the units on offer.
  • Guards battalions will be represented by their own special squads, GUARDS, which will not be much different compared to MOT. RIFLES in stats, but will likely be using some unique 3d models, including redcoats and perhaps bearskins. These represent those ceremonial Guards dragged into combat with little warning, Patriot Games-style.

  • Battalions drawn from Northern Ireland would form (new) RIFLES PATROL, which are 7-man squads with M16A2 and one L42A1 sniper rifles, plus M72 LAW. They would ride their Northern Ireland-typical wheeled (new) APC FV1611 HUMBER PIG (unarmed) or the FV1611a KREMLIN PIG (with a machine gun in a turret).
  • An airmobile Territorial brigade battalion was attached to the 5th Airborne Brigade, which we left out of the MNAD division (part of WARNO - NORTHAG). Remaining in the UK, not far from London, the formation would be called upon to deploy its (new) AIRMOBILE TERRIERS in the aforementioned (new) WESSEX HC.2. They would be organized as large "half-platoon" squads with Carl Gustav, but Veterancy locked.
  • The new SAS G (for G Squadron) is the counter-terrorism unit that famously stormed the Iranian embassy in 1980 and provided the world with the first public glimpse of this elite formation. These will be represented in WARNO as all-SMG 12-man commando squads with satchel explosives and Ambrust, transported in their own special force (new) CHINOOK HC.1B. In-game models would feature the famous all-black gas mask outfit.

  • On the other end of the spectrum, the HSF security forces. So you liked Nemesis #2.3 - Second Wave’s British Support Command’s division? Guess what: with these squads, the true Dad’s Army arrives!
  • The usual array of weapon teams, including WOMBAT, MAG, MILAN, although the latter ATGM teams will be fewer compared to BOAR units. Additionally, reservists would be given stored (new) L3A4 7,62mm MMG (the good ol' World War 2 M1919) as was done during the Falklands War. In that same early 1980s war, the UK also deployed the (new in-game) M2HB M63 12,7mm AA mount. These returned later to the UK and were distributed among heavy support platoons.
  • RMP squads will be present with the new ROVER PIGLET with Military Police trait.

Average as the HDR London formation did not have any organic artillery pieces; it would scrape by with whatever was to be found from local depots and storage.
  • The regular infantry battalion’s sole artillery would be the light L16 81mm mortar.
  • The Honourable Artillery Company still had a battery of serviceable World War 2-era (new) QF 25-pdr 88mm, used for ceremonial and training purposes.
  • There were also large quantities of artillery in storage, starting with the light (new) L5 105mm guns, which are Italian OTO Melara M56 mountain guns. Much older are the bigger BL 5,5-inch 140mm howitzers of World War 2 fame.
  • And finally, there were two early and very state-of-the-art AS.90 155mm self-propelled guns undergoing trials in 1989. These would be pressed into immediate combat (the full production variant only entered service in 1992 historically).

An average category. Although London did not contain any tanks at all, the War Material Reserve held a large number of Centurion tanks (over 500 held in storage). Being only a couple of hours away, these would have been regrouped and immediately thrown into battle. The Royal Armoured Corps also held a battalion-worth of training and demonstration tanks of many models.
  • The main tank for the division would be the (new) CENTURION MK.13. These will deploy in command and Reservist variants.
  • Bovington training grounds held a number of tank models, each coming in one card only:
    • The new CHIEFTAIN MK.1/4. These were training vehicles with rudimentary fire controls (if any) and only equipped with HEAT rounds.
    • The CHIEFTAIN MK.9 plus the CHALLENGER MK.2. Regular tank models.
    • The RAC could also field a squadron of FV438 SWINGFIRE.
    • The 56th Brigade's sole anti-tank vehicle was the ubiquitous ROVER MILAN.
    • A final vehicle which could be hurriedly pressed into service was the venerable (new) FERRET MK.5 WINGFIRE, until then used as targets during practice instead.

  • Another average category with regular SCOUTS rubbing shoulders with TERRIER SCOUTS, the latter in new YEOMAN ROVER armed with GMPG (and the vehicle bearing the Recon trait).
  • Territorial scouts also come with their own arsenal of armored cars: FERRET, FOX, and the new FOX ZB298 fitted with a ground recon radar.
  • RAC will provide some SCORPION recon vehicles.
  • A handful of unarmed (new) SCOUT AH.1 and LYNX AH.7 CHANCELLOR will provide heliborne air recon.

Good, as can be expected. London is well-protected against enemy air attacks.
  • Short-range air defense will fall on the shoulders of the RAPIER FSB1 from nearby RAF airfields. Long-range air defense will be taken on by the new BLOODHOUND MK.2. This is a rough British equivalent to the Warsaw Pact’s super-heavy Krug: a towed one-shot “goes a massive BOOM!” AA missile.
  • Infantry battalions will have a few JAVELIN MANPAD teams. The M63 mount for M2HB (see the INF category) will provide a bit of additional anti-air fire.
  • Another unit undergoing weapons tests since 1982 was the (new) STARSTREAK LML. This is a 3-tube weapon system like its Javelin counterpart, but brand-new, much faster, and more accurate, plus with a longer range.

Another average category. HDR London did not have access to combat helicopters, but the Army Air Corps’ home base was nearby, and some independent units had access to some rotorcraft.
  • These include a handful of the usual LYNX HELARM undergoing maintenance or repair and quickly armed GAZELLE AH.1 [RKT].
  • A new unit would be the A.109A [RKT]. Two of these helos were captured from the Argentinians in 1982 during the Falklands War and brought home. Two additional examples were purchased later. They were kept as secret air support for the SAS. As such, they gain the Special Forces trait.

A very good category, with the TORNADO forming the core of HDR London’s air power, including air superiority and in a ground strike role.
  • The new HAWK T.1 trainers will provide additional light CAS support.
  • Also, a few of the latest (new) HARRIER GR.5 will be performing bombing runs, including heavy HE and CLU loadouts, plus improved ECM compared to their earlier counterparts.

The Home Defence Region London is a reservist division with a diverse arsenal, which results in plenty of flexibility. Expect lots of older equipment and vehicles fighting alongside a few modern pieces, including good infantry, logistics, and air forces.

[h2]Warsaw Pact’s Soviet 2-ya "Tamanskaya" Gvardeyskaya Motostrelkovaya Diviziya Highlighted[/h2]
On the other side of the pond (and going deep, deep into the USSR) stands the proud 2-ya "Tamanskaya" Gvardeyskaya Motostrelkovaya Diviziya or 2nd Guards Tamanskaya Motorized Rifle Division. Plenty of Soviet divisions held the “Guard” honorific, even though in some cases, these formations were far from elite and even inferior to line divisions. However, if some divisions truly deserved the title, it would be 2-ya "Tamanskaya" Gvardeyskaya Motostrelkovaya Diviziya and its sister 4-ya "Kantemirovskaya" Gvardeyskaya Tank. Diviziya guarding the Moscow capital district.

Both Moscow-based formations were highly trained and lavishly equipped, with officers handpicked for their loyalty to the communist state. They were the USSR’s Praetorian Guard, with the vital mission to protect the Soviet political organizations in the nation’s capital city. With this in mind, everybody was a potential threat; perhaps the danger would come from a fellow Soviet soldier (in a coup) rather than actual NATO forces. As WARNO’s timeline already deals with one “new” coup in the 1980s, within our March to War scenario, our Troika would be even more paranoid (and the 2-ya Gv. MSD foremost)! In real life, and ironically so, the Division’s sole late Cold War action was to be the military arm of the coup against Boris Yeltsin in 1991, which as a matter of fact, saw some of its soldiers switching sides.

[h2]The 2-ya "Tamanskaya" Gvardeyskaya Motostrelkovaya in WARNO[/h2]
How will the 2-ya Gv. MSD look like in WARNO? New units are highlighted in bold and italic.

A pretty good category, with the simple fact that 2-ya Gv. MSD is fighting on home turf!
  • This means the usual CHAIKA, BMP-1K3, and UAZ-469 command vehicles.
  • Supplies will be provided by a FOB, URAL-4320 and the heavy (new) MAZ-535 heavy truck. Airlifted supplies will be done through Mi-8MT helos.

  • The division's infantry, although organized along the same lines, will be designated the new GVARDEITSY. These squads will come in command, BTR, BMP, SVD, Metis, and Pulemetchiki variants. All of them will feature the Resolute trait, as befitting their status. Furthermore, they will have access to BTR-80, BMP-1, and BMP-2 as transport options.
  • The usual array of supporting weapon teams will round out this tab, including SAPERY, HMG, AGS-17, SPG-9, etc.

Average category with only the standard Soviet Army options available.
  • These include 2S12 120mm mortar and towed D-30 122mm howitzers.
  • Plus the usual 2S3M AKATSIYA and BM-21 GRAD units.

A good amount of slots and numbers, being a Motorized Rifle division, and excellent in its armor choice. The 2-ya Gv. MSD has the typical mix of vehicles.
  • Including the new T-72A Obr. 83 (a hybrid between the Warsaw Pact’s T-72 version M1 and S) and the simpler (new) T-72K (the most basic variant) as command tanks.
  • The T-80UD, with the T-64AK as a command tank.
  • Attached from its sister formation, to which these tanks were unique, several of the latest (new) T-80U obr. 1989 will be featured. This is a made-up designation for the “late T-80U” variant with Kontakt-5 ERA armored bricks. This tank variant has the same mobility (hence superior to the heavier UD version) but with better protection and an improved 9M119M gun-tube ATGM missile.
  • The division also receives its share of MT-12 RAPIRA and BRDM-2 KONKURS.

  • A pretty good category for the 2-ya Gv. MSD with the usual RAZVEDKA and MOT. RAZVEDKA squads, the later deployable in the new RAZV. BTR-80 recon and transport APC.
  • The usual arsenal of BRDM-2, BRM-1K, and Mi-24K recon vehicles and helos.
  • The division can also call upon two SIGINT options: the foot-based RT RAZVEDKA and the new R-330 RAMA, which is a dedicated SIGINT-traited GAZ-66 truck.

A rather decent category but only featuring standard units.
  • These include IGLA MANPAD teams, the ZU-23-2 gun, STRELA-10 and 9K33M3 OSA-AKM mobile SAMs and the ZSU-23-4M3 BIRYUSA SPAAG.

Rather mediocre category and very restricted by the lack of helicopters in the capital area.
  • This means you’ll only get a few slots, perhaps only one, with only the Mi-24V [RKT2] as an option.

The 2-ya Gv. MSD has an average amount of air power it can call on, with better ground support but lacking in air superiority (this far from the front).
  • Air cover missions will be provided mostly by the (new) MiG-23P, as well as a handful each of older (new) Su-15TM and newer MiG-29 9.13 (with 40% ECM).
  • Ground strike aircraft will be the MiG-21bis (new for Soviet Air Forces but widespread among Warsaw Pact members) and the Su-25 from a nearby training regiment, as well as some local (new) L-39 [RKT].

The 2-ya "Tamanskaya" Gvardeyskaya Motostrelkovaya Diviziya is an elite formation with good infantry, logistical, and armor forces, but lacking in artillery and helicopter support.

[h2]Until Next Week![/h2]
That’s all for this week. We’ll be back next week with the start of Nemesis #4 and some more interesting news about Ranked and a new map!

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See you on the battlefield, commander.