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  3. Nemesis #4.1 - Covering Force Area

Nemesis #4.1 - Covering Force Area

Hello, hello!

It’s time for another round of Nemesis! In today’s DevBlog, we’ll kick off with Nemesis #4, the next community-voted mini-expansion for WARNO.

Let’s get down to business and introduce the first Nemesis option: Nemesis #4.1 - Covering Force Area. This NORTHAG-based option pits together the Dutch-led Beveiligende Strijdmacht against the East German 20. Motorisierte Schützendivision, heavily inspired by our Four Days to the Weser Army General campaign.

Let’s go!

[h2]WARNO’s Nemesis Concept[/h2]
Before we start, a reminder of what WARNO’s Nemesis DLCs entail. These are paid mini-expansions containing two paired or themed divisions - one from NATO and one from the Warsaw Pact - bringing new units, vehicles, and weapons.

Each Nemesis run features three different offerings. Once we have laid down all the juicy details in previews like today’s, you receive one week to choose your favorite option (get ready for some very persuasive and imaginative propaganda battles). After the vote concludes, one Nemesis is crowned the winner and enters Eugen’s development and production pipeline. The other options go back into the vault, perhaps to be dusted off for a future run-off vote (or not).

Note that each of the Nemesis pairings are all “what if” battles, operations, or part of decisive campaigns in WARNO’s alternative World War III. They all take place in the fictional timeline as described within the base game, but are always grounded in reality and historical research. In essence, each Nemesis successfully chosen by you will “write” WARNO’s lore to a certain extent (but with caveats to not exclude other divisions, armies, nations, or weapons, further down the line).

[h2]What About Nemesis #3?[/h2]
Please note that Nemesis #3 has not yet been revealed (which will be done in due time). This Nemesis is already in the Eugen workshop. In order to speed up development and to make sure to be able to offer our WARNO players something in between other projects, we decided to choose the theme, division, and new units for Nemesis #3 ourselves. More info to come soon!

[h2]Nemesis #4.1 - Covering Force Area[/h2]
As mentioned in the introduction, both divisions of the Nemesis #4.1 - Covering Force Area are present in the Four Days to the Weser Army General campaign as featured in ]WARNO - NORTHAG. The Four Days to the Weser Army General campaign starts 48 hours after the initial hostilities in World War III. In comparison, Nemesis #4.1 - Covering Force Area goes earlier and focuses on those critical first hours.

In brief, the so-called Covering Force Area was the designated forward battle zone between the Inner German Border and the Elbe-Seiten Kanal. This West German region was dangerously exposed, surrounded by East German territory. The role of local NATO forces was to defend and inflict the heaviest casualties on attacking Warsaw Pact formations before falling back, giving reinforcing troops the chance to deploy in the rear.

[h2]NATO’s Dutch Beveiligende Strijdmacht Highlighted[/h2]
First up are the Dutch and their Beveiligende Strijdmacht, which roughly translates to Covering or Security Force. While the I Dutch Corps’ inefficient pre-war mobilization strategy saw the bulk of the fighting forces located hundreds of kilometers away in the Netherlands, several formations were pre-deployed in West Germany.

The tip of the spear, so to speak, consisted of the 41 Pantserbrigade and two battalions, which formed the core of a multinational task force defending the “Covering Force Area.” This formation, though fighting in the West German’s 3. Panzerdivision’s sector (this means some Bundeswehr attachments) was technically under I Dutch Corps command.

In Dutch, this grouping of mechanized forces was known as the Beveiligende Strijdmacht. Their task was to hold off the Warsaw Pact advance for as long as possible. The task force was composed of:
  • The Dutch 41 Pantserbrigade.
  • The Dutch 01 Geniegevechtsgroep (engineer battalion).
  • The Dutch 103 Verkenningsbataljon (recon battalion).
  • The West German Panzerbrigade 7.
  • The West German Aufklärungpanzer-Abteilung 3.
  • The West German Heeresfliger-Rgt. 16.
  • Elements from US 2nd Armored Division's Forward HQ.
  • West German BGS border guards.

[h2]The Beveiligende Strijdmacht in WARNO[/h2]
What can you expect from Beveiligende Strijdmacht in-game? New units are highlighted in bold and italic!

An average category. Being a temporary and multinational battlegroup with no dedicated HQ, it won’t be the strongest in logistics and command & control. Instead, the Beveiligende Strijdmacht relies on the various subordinate brigades’ supply assets.
  • These include the Dutch heavy DAF YHZ-2300 VRACHT as well as West German UNIMOG MÜN. and M113A1 MÜN. supply vehicles. Plus FOB.
  • West German M577GA2 and Dutch YPR-765 PRCO-CI command vehicles.
  • The Americans contribute a few OH-60A CO and supply UH-1H, with the Bundeswehr bringing in BO-105M FÜH. and CH-53G MUN.

The infantry forces available to this battlegroup are pretty good, with a powerful combination of Dutch and West German mechanized infantry.
  • Dutch PANTSERINFANTERIE (all variants) with YPR-765 PRI IFV armed with a 25mm chaingun.
  • Bundeswehr PANZERGRENADIER in MARDER 1A2 and M113A1G.
  • These squads are backed by Dutch M2HB machine gun and West German MG-3 and MILAN 2 weapon teams.
  • A few truck- and M113-based Dutch GENIE and American ENGINEERS in M113.

An average category as the Beveiligende Strijdmacht had fewer and lighter artillery battalions than a full division.
  • Either Dutch M109A2 and West German M109A3GA1 self-propelled 155mm howitzers.
  • Or Dutch self-propelled M106A2 107mm mortars, backed by towed MO-120-RT61 120mm mortars, as well as West German PANZERMÖRSER self-propelled ones.

Tank forces are very good!
  • The Dutch Landmacht brings the powerful LEOPARD 2A4(B) (in good numbers), supported by Bundeswehr’s cheaper LEOPARD 1A1A1 and 1A5. Command variants are also present.
  • Dedicated tank destroyers include the deadly Dutch YPR-765 PRAT and West German JAGUAR 2.

An excellent category. The Beveiligende Strijdmacht can rely on not one (usual for a division) but two recon battalions, further reinforced by forward-deployed American airmobile elements. This means a very large selection of recon units is available.
  • Such as Dutch M113 C&V, BO-105 CB, YPR-765 PRRDR, as well as VERKENNERS in LARO jeeps.
  • West German LUCHS and AUFKLÄRER in ILTIS, ALOUETTE II, and FUCHS RASIT. The BGS will patrol with their dedicated PUMA helicopter or (new) VW T2b van.
  • The Americans are present with OH-58D KIOWA and KIOWA WARRIOR, SCOUTS in M151A2 M2HB, as well as CEWI units.

Is rather average, with the formation lacking a “divisional” AA battalion, relying on brigade anti-aircraft assets. The Beveiligende Strijdmacht benefits from the air cover provided by a nearby SAM battalion, the Dutch 3 GGW, relocated from the south of Hamburg to the forward battle area.
  • This means the (new) Dutch I-HAWK, CHEETAH PRTL, and STINGER teams.
  • West German GEPARD 1A1, FK20-2 20mm guns, and FLIEGERFAUST teams.
  • Backed by American M163A2 PIVADS vehicles and STINGER MANPADs.

A good category with the main rotary-wing assets in the area being the West German Heeresflieger-Rgt. 16. Its main mission was to support the delaying actions in the Covering Force Area, playing hide and “eat my ATGM” with enemy columns.
  • No Dutch attack helicopters (these were only procured after the Cold War).
  • Mostly (and plenty) West German Bo-105PAH- and Bo-105PAH-1A1.
  • Plus a few support American COBRA in I-TOW and rocket payload configuration.

Good with a combination of Koninklijke Luchtmacht and Luftwaffe planes providing air cover.
  • These include West German F-4F and Dutch NF-5A in strike roles (HE, AT, CLU, RKT, and NPLM).
  • And F-16A in AA and strike (HE and CLU) roles.

The Beveiligende Strijdmacht is a battlegroup with excellent recon units, good mechanized infantry and tank forces, including helicopter and air cover, but lacks supporting arms.

[h2]Warsaw Pact’s 20. Motorisierte Schützendivision Highlighted[/h2]
Next up: the communists. The Nationale Volksarmee’s 20. Motorisierte Schützendivision had a special organization within the East German army. It was on paper a mobilization division, made up of two-thirds reservists and fielding largely outdated equipment. However, on the other hand, its tank regiment’s first battalion was to be formed from a training unit that housed early variants of the T-72. This made it the only East German motorized infantry division with T-72s, as these main battle tanks were usually restricted to the (two) Panzerdivisionen within the army.

The NVA’s 5. Armee’s plan was to clear the Covering Force Area with second-line troops, with the best divisions (including the 9. Panzerdivision) kept in reserve to be unleashed once a breakthrough had been made. It fell on the 19. and this Nemesis’s 20. Motorisierte Schützendivision to (unusually so) spearhead the assault, placing them in direct opposition with the Dutch Beveiligende Strijdmacht.

In order to clear the NATO delaying forces from the area, the East German formations were to be reinforced by smaller but powerful specialized independent elements, including entire artillery and engineer brigades, an anti-tank regiment, plus the Soviet
138-y Otd. Tank. Polk, equipped with T-64B and BV tanks.

It might be worth mentioning that the 20. Motorisierte Schützendivision is the last of the “unusual” East German divisions. Only standard or formations extremely similar to existing WARNO divisions remain in the historical records.

[h2]The 20. Motorisierte Schützendivision in WARNO[/h2]
Let’s take a look at how the 20. Motorisierte Schützendivision would look like in Nemesis #4.1.

  • A good category, with the command vehicles UAZ-469 FÜH., SPW-50PU, and SPW-40P2(K).
  • Supplies are provided by URAL-4320 MUN., with a few T813 and the (new) KRAZ-255B. Plus a FOB.

A very good category with a large array of infantry.
  • One out of the three infantry regiments available to the 20. MSD was made up of regular soldiers, resulting in MOT.-SCHÜTZEN squads riding to battle in either SPW-60PB (two-thirds availability) and BMP-1 SP2 (one-third). The remaining two regiments were made up of mobilized RESERVISTEN in SPW-152K and the new LO-1800 ROBUR truck.
  • The battlegroup can also count on a full security company with SICHERUNGS and MILITARSTREIFE. The latter will come in not only the regular 4-man patrols, but also larger squads, riding respectively the (new) TRABANT 601 jeep and BARKAS B1000 truck, both with the Military Police trait.
  • A large amount of PIONIER combat engineer squads, in either truck or SPW-50K APCs.
  • Weapon support teams include SPG-9, PALR FAGOT, and HMG machine guns.
  • The Soviets will provide one card of MOTOSTRELKI mounted in BMP-1P.

Lots of artillery pieces are available, although only a few are self-propelled units.
  • Divisional artillery include D-30 towed 122mm and D-152mm towed howitzers, as well as BM-21 MRLS, either in HE or NPLM. GR.WFR. M43 120mm mortars can also be deployed.
  • The artillery brigade in support brings a large number of MFRW RM-70 MLRS.
  • The sizable Pionierbrigade 5 includes a few SPW-50PK(MRF).
  • And the Soviets feature a few 2S12 120mm mortars and 2S1 GOVZDIKA.

Another good category.
  • The 20 MSD’s own tank force was composed mostly of KPZ. T-55A, with one battalion having access to the more capable KPZ. T-72. Both tank models come with command variants.
  • The engineer brigade features additional FLAM.PZ. TO-55.
  • Anti-tank forces include PAK MT-12 100mm, SPW-40P2 MALYUTKA-P, and a few SWP-40P2 KONKURS.
  • The Soviets bring extra firepower with several cards of T-64B and BV, including command and "1" (ATGM-less) variants.

Rather average as 20. MSD’s own recon battalion followed the older TO&E, fielding the PT-76. What’s worse, the supporting Soviets had to rely on the attachment of a few East German scouts in order not to be completely blind.
  • This results in a main vehicle selection of AUFKL. PT-76B and SPW-40P2.
  • Infantry scout squads include RES.-AUFKLÄRER in SPW-40P, AUFKLÄRER in UAZ-469 jeeps, and SPEZIALAUFKLÄRER in MI-2T helicopters.
  • Soviet own's token recon force a few BRM-1 and MOT.-RAZVEDKA in RAZV. BMP-1P.

The 20. MSD has access to plentiful anti-air forces, with the division’s organic AA battalion strengthened by army-level assets.
  • Divisional units are 2K12 KUB, ZU-23-2 23mm, SHILKA and STRELA-2M. Also, the new LO-800 ROBUR ZPU-2 makes an appearance here.
  • Additional army assets include a few KRUG-M3.
  • With the Soviets bringing their share of BIRYUSA, MT-LB STRELA-10M and IGLA teams.

Rather dismal with the overarching 5. Armee only able to deploy a single attack helicopter regiment, which wasn’t intended to be engaged in hostilities so soon in the Warsaw Pact’s strategic planning.
  • This results in a single card each of rocket Mi-8 and anti-tank Mi-24D, occupying some expensive slots.

Average, but entirely a Luftstreitkräfte deployment.
  • These include Su-22M4 strike aircraft, MiG-21bis in both strike and fighter roles, and the MiG-23 in air superiority role.

The 20. Motorisierte Schützendivision has an arsenal of different units, including good mechanized infantry, artillery, and tanks. The welcome addition of Soviet armor beefs up its largely reservist core.

[h2]Until Next Week![/h2]
That’s it for this first WARNO DevBlog. We’ll be back next week with Nemesis #4.2!

Don’t forget the vibrant WARNO community. Check the latest news on the Steam News page or visit the Steam Forums. Get together with other players on either the excellent Discord server, Reddit page, YouTube or our Instagram.

See you on the battlefield, commander!