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Frostpunk 2 News

Frostpunk 2 | PATCH 1.2.0 and 20% discount ❄️

Greetings, esteemed Stewards of Our Cities!

We're pleased to announce that once again our engineers managed to deliver another batch of updates and improvements that will ensure the everlasting expansion of our glorious City!

[h3]🔧 Patch Highlights[/h3]
  • Adjustments to Utopia Builder maps
  • New faction events
  • Deep deposits are now truly infinite
  • Infinite protests bug fix
  • Idea Tree panels tweaks
  • Resource transfer panel improvements
  • Improved saving and loading times
  • New pop-up tutorial panels

Below you can find the full list of improvements, fixes and changes introduced in the Patch 1.2.0 📃

[h3]Gameplay & Balance[/h3]
  • Adjustments to Utopia Builder maps
    • Windswept Peaks
      • Moved resources on the map to make them more organic and district placement less "lined" with a bigger focus on the frostbreaker ranges
      • Exposed to Wind area is bigger and contains a deep deposit within its range
      • Added Exposed Cliff area trait on the cliffs south of the Generator (+10 Shelter / -20 Heat)
    • Broken Shore
      • Moved resources on the map to make them more organic and district placement less "lined" with a bigger focus on the frostbreaker ranges
      • Added new area trait to ice: Unstable Ground (+20 Materials upkeep), that has Oil access within
      • Added Exposed Cliff area trait south of the Generator (+10 Shelter / -20 Heat)
      • Increased Sheltered From The Wind area trait on map (9 cells to 12 cells)
    • Fractured Gorge
      • Moved resources on the map to make them more organic and district placement less "lined" with a bigger focus on the frostbreaker ranges
      • Exposed to Wind area is bigger and contains a deep deposit within its range
      • Added "Stable Crevasse" (+10 Shelter / +20 Heat) in 2 areas on the edges of the map (12 cells)
      • Increased areas of Geothermal area traits (9 cells to 12 cells)
    • Horizon
      • Moved resources on the map to make them more organic and district placement less "lined" with a bigger focus on the frostbreaker ranges
      • Added new area trait: Oil Pollution (Sickliness increase) around Oil deposit
    • Dreadnought [Legacy]
      • Moved resources on the map to make them more organic and district placement less "lined" with a bigger focus on the frostbreaker ranges
      • Added Deep Oil deposits instead of regular
      • Added Unstable Ground (+20 Materials upkeep) area to ice
      • Added Sheltered from the Wind area trait to ravine
    • Hanging Rock [Legacy]
      • Adjusted Geothermals area traits 9 -> 12 cells
      • The entire area outside is treated as "exposed to the wind"
    • Crater [Legacy]
      • Adjusted area traits to be in line with Story Mode
Deep deposits are now truly infinite
Deep Oil Deposits are now available in Utopia builder
    • Addition of Deep Oil Deposits
    • All colonies with Oil access now have infinite Deep Oil deposits instead of limited ones
    • Cities with starting Oil access are unchanged and the deposit is a regular one
Improved factions' reactivity to current city status
    • Six new events furthering faction conflict when conditions are catastrophic
    • New event to react to disproportionately large numbers of Stimulants Manufactories
    • Two new events to react to frequent use of Fund Projects and Promote on Communities not aligned with your Zeitgeist
    • New event when helping pass Law proposed by Community not aligned with your Zeitgeist
    • New consequences for using Increase Workload on Servants
Ambitions rework
    • Colonise the Frostland
      • Now requires 35k population in Colonies and Settlements instead of creating 3 colonies with 10k population each
    • Prosperity
      • Required Fuel stockpile increased from 100k to 300k
      • Required Food stockpiles increased from 100k to 200k
      • Required Goods and Materials stockpile are now 100k
Resolving a high-fervor faction protest with Counterprotest will no longer lead to an infinite protest bug on the next protest
Resolving protests by Counterprotest will no longer be suggested if there is an ongoing counterprotest active
[STORY] New story arc implementation to prevent no Cores situation on the transition from Act 3 to Act 4
[STORY] Winterhome area traits adjusted
Removed upgrade possibility between coal mines and coal liquefactors
Proximity effects now also affect buildings constructed in districts
Trust Fail game over screen will now pop with a delay rather than right after voting
Improved automated workforce reduction priorities logic
Detainees can now be converted to Servants
Factions will no longer demand consequences for demolishing promised Coal extraction buildings after the City coal deposits are depleted
Fixed Tea Cache modifier lasting infinite
Fixed the ‘Protest Needs To End’ message sometimes showing incorrect faction
Fixed Shared Motherhood quest requiring policy which may not be researched yet
Various minor fixes to existing story arcs

  • Rearranged Idea Tree panel
    • Layout changes
    • Clear sections with shorter effects
  • Improved resource transfer panel
    • Meet Demand button name changed to “Try to Meet Demand”
    • Send Transport button position changed to mirror against the same button from the 2nd side of the transfer panel
    • Send Transport button now sends resources to the city it is correlated with, not to the city on the other side of the transfer panel
    • Send Transport button description changed to explain better where the transport is coming from, as it was confusing before the change
    • Send Transport icon is now more readable and more related to stockpiling
  • Improved modifiers order on tooltips
  • Implemented new Tutorial pop-up panels
  • Tweaks to order of settings in the Settings menu
  • New mods icon in the Main Menu to improve visibility
  • Emergency Council Session is now available from the Council window when it is in Recess phase
  • Servants community action now properly displays gameplay effect
  • Twitch polling button is now hidden when only one choice is available
  • Inactive building now properly displays a tooltip
  • Improved district hover visuals

  • Implemented new artwork for some of the city messages
  • Improved roads generation logic
  • Improved generator overdrive animation
  • Tweaks to existing Zoom Stories
  • Improved animations
    • Council
    • New animations for Zoom Stories
      • Bohemians Rally
      • Winterhome Cliff
      • Prologue Frostbreaking
  • Cartographic mode visual tweaks
  • Fixed Fighting Hub visuals and animations
  • Fixed Goods art being too big on Cartography mode
  • Fixed the quality of 3D models of some buildings when zooming out/in
  • Various minor tweaks and optimisations

  • Various audio slider settings are now available in Settings menu
  • Minor improvements to on-hover sounds
  • Improvements to Frostbreaking sounds

  • Improved saving and loading times (reloading and resaving existing save files is required for the changes to take effect)
  • Fixed drivers check showing false-negative information for some of the GPU types
  • Fixed various minor crashes
  • Fix for cursor offset appearing when changing to some resolutions on fullscreen or windowed mode
  • Fix for screen being unresponsive after changing to some resolution on windowed mode
  • Many under-the-hood optimisations and improvements
  • Frostkit integration fixes
  • Localization fixes

[h2]Frostpunk 2 Roadmap[/h2]
Mere survival is not enough—our City must continue to expand. In this roadmap, you can see our plans for conquering the frostland. You might expect plenty happening in 2025 alone, and here are some of the highlights:
  • Consoles Launch. We’re thrilled to bring New London to console players.
  • DLCs. Each one will introduce something entirely new to the harsh world of Frostpunk 2.
  • Free Major Content Updates. We’re committed to adding free content updates, which in many ways were inspired by your feedback.

Rest assured, dear Citizens, these major milestones are only part of what’s to come. Alongside them, we will continue to work on hotfixes and improvements to the game’s stability and overall quality.

Take care,
Your 11 bit studios Team

If you’d like to stay updated with all future developments, be sure to follow us on:
𝕩 @11bitstudios
𝕩 @frostpunkgame
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🧊 Discuss with us on our subreddit: r/11bitstudios

Sub-zero city builder Frostpunk 2 reveals three DLCs in new roadmap

While there are plenty of great city builders out there, few are as gritty and unique as Frostpunk 2 - well, apart from its predecessor, obviously. With an emphasis on not just building an impressive metropolis but surviving the fierce cold of a post-disaster Earth, it's got a feel that is hard to emulate. A couple of months on from its full launch, developer 11 bit Studios is now charting a course for the future with a brand new roadmap that spans the next two years of the game's life. Like the original Frostpunk, three big DLC expansions are planned and a free major content update is on the horizon too.

Read the rest of the story...


Frostpunk 2 just got a lot slicker thanks to a huge quality of life update

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Frostpunk 2 release date

Frostpunk 2 Roadmap

Welcome, Stewards of New London!

As we continue to expand the icy world of Frostpunk 2, we’ve crafted a development roadmap to guide you through what lies ahead. Your feedback, be it suggestions, ideas, or bug reports, has been invaluable on our path up to this point, and has helped us shape our plans for the future. We wanted to begin by expressing how deeply grateful we are for your passion and commitment that ensures New London’s survival - you are the best Stewards one could ask for.

Since the game’s release in September, we’ve implemented numerous hotfixes and patches, addressing your feedback, introducing new game functionalities, and quality-of-life improvements, among other things.

The team has worked tirelessly to deliver the best possible Frostpunk 2 experience, and our journey is far from over. From substantial content updates to game expansions, there’s plenty to look forward to!

[h3]The road ahead [/h3]

As you can see on the roadmap, our frostland expedition still has a long way to go, and plenty is happening in 2025 alone. Here are some of the highlights:
  • Consoles Launch. We know it’s something many of you are looking forward to, and we are extremely happy to bring New London to all the console players.
  • DLCs. Although we’re keeping these under wraps for now, each DLC (currently under a codename - stay tuned for more updates!) will add something completely new to the harsh world of Frostpunk 2.
  • Free Major Content Updates. On top of DLCs, we’re committed to adding free content updates, which in many ways were inspired by your feedback, that will significantly impact your overall experience with the game.

Rest assured, these major milestones are only part of what’s to come. Alongside them, we will continuously work on hotfixes and improvements to the game and its overall stability. Right on the horizon we have the Patch 1.2 that implements various gameplay and interface changes - more on that very soon.

As you all know, frostland is a dangerous place, full of hidden truths buried beneath layers of ice and time, and you are never quite certain where it may lead you and what it may uncover if you look hard enough…

[h3]A shared journey[/h3]

This is still just the beginning of our journey and we want to continue being transparent about the changes we make to the game, while including you and your feedback every step of the way. As we move forward, we promise to update the roadmap with more details and share behind-the-scenes content so you can see how these changes come to life.

It is a journey we embarked on together, after all, and we couldn’t have asked for a better frostland expedition team!

We might be repeating ourselves at this point but thank you, truly, for the ongoing support.

Stay frosty and always remember…
The City Must Not Fall!

Your 11 bit studios Team

If you’d like to stay updated with all future developments, be sure to follow us on:
𝕩 @11bitstudios
𝕩 @frostpunkgame
🌐 Follow Frostpunk on Facebook
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🧊 Discuss with us on our subreddit: r/11bitstudios

Frostpunk 2 | Hotfix 1.1.2

Greetings, esteemed Stewards of New London!

We're proud to announce that our engineers have once again delivered various improvements to keep our City running seamlessly.

Below you can find a list of our most recent work 📝⚙

  • Fixed incorrect number of delegates on the gameplay startup on some occasions
  • Current research will no longer be displayed after cancelling the research
  • Tweaks to districts outlines
  • Tweaks to proximity effects colours
  • Tweaks to Idea Tree camera distance
  • Fixed DLC podium switch not being available for MS Store version of the game
  • Fixes to some rare crashes

Take care and stay warm,
11 bit studios Team

Get Frostpunk 2 and DayZ Frostline at 10% off ❄

Dear Citizens,

Until November 18th, get both Frostpunk 2 and DayZ Frostline at 10% off with the exclusive Frostbite Pack.

In this unique bundle, immerse yourself in the gritty survival challenge of DayZ and expand your horizons by venturing into the frozen, dystopian society of Frostpunk 2.
