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Survival Machine News

We're shutting down our demo on March 14th!

First of all: A big thank you, Survivors!

It's time to slowly say goodbye to the Survival Machine Demo—it’s been one heck of a ride!

Thank you for every comment and every piece of feedback you’ve shared. We’ve read all your suggestions carefully, and they are incredibly valuable to us as we continue developing Survival Machine!

All good things must come to an end, and the same goes for our demo, which will be shut down on Friday, March 14th at 4:00 PM (CET).

You still have a few more days to test your skills against the night-time zombie attacks, explore our world, or take on the points of interest we’ve designed—alone or with your crew. Just a reminder: there’s no time limit in the demo, so the only thing stopping you is your free time!

Once again, thank you for all your comments, feedback, and engagement on our Discord! See you on the next one!



We've got all the answers!

Hi Survivors!

Recently, we asked you to send us your burning questions about Survival Machine and our work! We've gathered your questions from our Discord, social media, and Steam, and now we have the answers for you! No need to drag it out—let’s get started!

[h3]Will widescreen be supported?[/h3]
Yes! Our goal is for Survival Machine to fully support widescreen. The current demo already supports 2560x1080 and 3440x1440, but if you have a non-standard resolution, let us know, and we’ll try to add support for it.

[h3]Will there be a pause in single-player?[/h3]
Yes, single-player mode will have a pause function, but this feature is not yet working in the current demo.

[h3]Will there be a character editor in the game?[/h3]
No, but we will have several different characters to choose from, so everyone can find one that suits them. However, you won’t be able to customize their appearance.

[h3]Will there be enemies other than zombies?[/h3]
No, in Survival Machine, you will only fight zombies. However, we plan to introduce many different types and variations of zombies in the future.

[h3]Are the worlds randomly generated?[/h3]
Survival Machine features partially random world generation. The order in which you discover different parts of the world can change, and elements like POIs, resources, crates and more will be generated in different locations each time you play—so you’ll always find something new!

[h3]Will inverted mouse controls be available?[/h3]
Yes! Inverted mouse controls will be included. Our developers are working on adding this option right now.

[h3]Is the world infinite?[/h3]
The world is finite, but with a twist. You shouldn’t be able to hit the end of the map. Instead, the game loads the next part of the world for you, making each session a little different

[h3]Will I be able to change the difficulty level?[/h3]
At the moment, the demo does not include difficulty settings. However, we are actively considering implementing this feature in the future.

[h3]Can I move built structures?[/h3]
No, once a structure is built, it cannot be moved. However, you can destroy it with a hammer and rebuild it in a new location. Destroying a structure returns all of the invested resources.

[h3]Will the game be playable on Steam Deck?[/h3]
We haven't fully explored this topic yet. Our goal is to officially support Steam Deck in the future, but for now, there is no official support. That being said, you CAN already play the game on Steam Deck, but you might encounter some control issues.

[h3]Will control remapping be available?[/h3]
Yes, you can already change key bindings in the current demo.

[h3]Will there be a matchmaking mode with random players?[/h3]
Currently, this option is not available. We are operating on an invite-based system. We would like to add this feature in the future, but we can't make any promises at this time.

[h3]What is the recommended player count for the game?[/h3]
There is no fixed number. You can play Survival Machine solo, in pairs, or in groups of three or four players. The game scales difficulty dynamically, so you can enjoy it no matter how many people are in your session.

[h3]Is there fall damage in the game?[/h3]
No, you don’t have to worry about falling. Survival Machine has no fall damage—this makes gameplay smoother and more enjoyable!

[h3]Are you considering pricing the game lower, around $5-10?[/h3]
We are not ruling out any pricing options. However, for now, we are aiming for a price range of $15 to $30.
Thats all for now Survivors! If you have any more questiones feel free to ask them here in the comments section, on our Discord or in Steam Discussions.

Have an awesome weekend, and dont forget to try our demo!



Coop Demo Hotfix 1.0

[h2]Hi Survivors! [/h2]

From your reviews, it seems that you really enjoyed our co-op demo! We're very happy to hear that, and thanks for all the reviews (including the negative ones, there was a lot of great feedback in them!).

We've prepared a few hotfixes for you today, but also... a bit of new content! What exactly is changing in Survival Machine? Take a look at this list!

[h3]What's new?[/h3]
Originally posted by author
Tesla is ready to be explored
  • We added new Point of Interest to the demo - Tesla.
  • Now you can build a Spike Trap to defend against zombies.
Originally posted by author
Spikes will help you defend your Machine! But remember: the Machine has to be fueled for the traps to work!

[h3]What has been fixed?[/h3]
  • There was a Resolution instead of input option in the Input setting. There is no more.
  • Some players couldn't interact with their inventory or pick up loot from zombies. The issue has been resolved.
  • Opening Bug Reporter on launch caused coursor disappearing in Main Menu. We have fixed that.
  • We removed Tool Damage Buff exploit that gave players too high damage on tools and weapons.
  • All players now leave different backpack, one for every player slot, so there would be no mixup after respawn.
  • Quest marker for gathering Stone mission now disappears properly.
  • Now the quest regarding finding Green Goo appears and can be accomplished properly.
Thanks for your engagement and all the feedback coming in Survivors – it’s really helpful for us! Don’t forget to play our demo and leave us a review on Steam! See you next time!



How about Q&A with dev team?

[h3]How do you create a game like Survival Machine? [/h3]

Have you ever wondered what game development looks like from the inside, what opportunities and challenges independent developers face? What crazy ideas made it into the project, and which ones were rejected from the start? If so, you’re in the right place!

Together with our development team, we’re preparing a Q&A session where you’ll get to learn... well, that depends on you and the questions you ask us!

And by us, we mean me—your dear Berdol, Kuba—our studio head, and key developer: Marcin, our 3D artist (like our Machine? That’s his work!)!

How will you get the answers? That’s still up for debate! We might record a video session for you, or perhaps we’ll answer your questions in a Steam post or some other format!

There are no taboo topics or questions you should be afraid to ask—we’ll read and respond to anything you find interesting! You can submit your questions in the Steam comments, Steam discussions page or on our Discord (if you’re not there yet, come join us!)

Aha! I wouldn’t be myself if I didn’t ask—how do you like our demo? From the reviews and feedback you’ve left, it seems like we’re in a pretty good place! Have you already played with your friends? Try!

Thanks, and see you soon!


Coop demo is now live!

And... we're live Survivors!

Steam Next Fest kicks off today, and with it, our coop Demo, which you can already download to your PCs! We're giving you access to a substantial part of our world, several Points of Interest (PoI), the new Stinker zombie, and the energy system! And that's not all!

We're constantly working on improving our game, but we need you – our community! Based on your feedback, we'll do our best to implement updates and improvements to the Survival Machine demo to ensure a smooth experience for everyone. If any issues arise, we’ll address them as quickly as possible – so keep an eye on Steam for new updates based on your input!

[h3]What awaits you?[/h3]

👉Four-player co-op – This is what you’ve been waiting for, and it’s the star of our demo! While you can absolutely play solo, we highly encourage you to experience Survival Machine in four-player co-op. It’s up to you how you divide tasks and handle both the Machine and our friendly neighborhood zombies.

👉Sixteen languages - play the latest Survival Machine demo in one of 16 available languages! You’ll find the full list in our previous post announcing today’s demo! Since the demo was translated using machine learning, there might be some minor issues. Feel free to let us know if you spot anything that needs adjusting and we fix it for the early access release!

👉Ten different characters to choose from – We’ve prepared five male and five female characters for you. I'm sure everyone will find a character they'll enjoy spending time with in Survival Machine!

👉Eight Points of Interest (PoIs) – Three large and five smaller Points of Interest are waiting for you to explore. Some will challenge you to fight off hordes of zombies, others will test your wits with puzzles, and some will push your agility and reflexes to the limit!

👉Three enemy types – If you played the previous demo, you’re already familiar with regular zombies and armored zombies. In this alpha, you’ll encounter a new one – the Stinker. This foe deals area damage with its toxic gas, so be careful when getting too close!

👉Energy System – We've introduced this feature to add more depth to managing the Machine and keeping its systems running smoothly. Machine components wear out over time, and you'll need fuel to power key structures. Make sure to keep an eye on fuel levels—without it, defending the Machine during the night invasion will be much more challenging!

👉Total time freedom – That’s right! Many of you pointed this out in your feedback on the previous demo. This time, there’s no need to worry about time limits—the restriction has been removed. Now, you can dive into Survival Machine and play at your own pace, however you like!

👉The Frontier - the first biome, is available to you to play and explore! You will be able to explore one third of the first biome.

👉Character upgrades - you will have access to several character upgrades to enhance your gameplay experience like zipline, increased health ugrade and expanded backpack to carry more resources. Increase vehicle functionality and add extra buffs thanks to Machine's upgrades.

👉Defensive structure - defensive structures such as bomb thrower will help you fight zombie night attacks. But remember to fuel the Machine!

👉Base building - walls, stairs, storage extensions and decorations and many many more are waiting for you!

👉Craft items - You can build various crafting and resource processing structures to enhance your capabilities and upgrade your character. You have access to several items that you can craft anywhere in the world without the need for a specialised crafting table. Items like clubs, slings, hammers and axes will come very handy!

[h3]Something extra![/h3]

In addition, we’ve got a little contest and one more surprise in store for you! Keep an eye on our Discord and Steam, and you’ll find out all the details!

[h3]Feedback - if you have one share one![/h3]

Your opinion is very important to us. By leaving comments here on Steam or on our Discord, you've had a real impact on the development of the game. Many of your suggestions have been implemented, and we’re still working on others. We read and analyze all feedback carefully—there are no opinions that are unimportant to us. That’s why we kindly ask you to share your thoughts with us as widely as possible.

One of the preferred ways to share your feedback is to use our form. Here it is!

And most importantly – if you enjoyed our demo, please leave us a review on Steam. It’s a very important indicator for us of how you perceive our game and whether you’d recommend it to a friend for a co-op session! We’re counting on you!

That’s all I’ve prepared for you today. I hope you have a great time in Survival Machine! Watch out for those zombies—they might just eat you! See you next time!