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The Light Brigade News

Update 3.3 - Sun Fixer

Hello Soldiers, just a small set of fixes for the "Shadow Hunter" major content update.

We're hard at work on new content, but let us know if you find any other major issues in the meantime.

Notable Changes

  • Added Legacy Haptics XR setting
  • Fixed more enemies un wall in Sunless Keep
  • Fixed more issues with sun run donations
  • Fixed inventory spacing calculation
  • Fixed some issues with controller disconnect handling
  • Fixed some issues with internal hit callback handling
  • Increased scene load failure timeout check to 60s
  • Increased hunter passive damage from +2 to +4 per stack

These changes are **now live**. Full patch details are always here:
Full Patch Notes

Please get in touch with us any time, we're always around on discord -- discord.gg/funktroniclabs). Thanks!

Update 3.2 - Sun Hunter

Hello Soldiers, we have another patch for our "Shadow Hunter" major content update. Thank you to everyone for the feedback on general balance and issues, and digging up extra info to help us track down bugs.

This patch addresses many of the reported issues, and fixes a couple of long-standing bugs, in addition to several subtle core improvements that should improve the game overall.

Notable Changes

  • Sun Run: Fixed the sun run showing 0% incorrectly and being mostly inaccessible.
  • Mountain Biome - Improved Cover: this zone often had no cover to take and made it unfairly difficult depending on random generation, it’s still a difficult zone sometimes but there should be more cover to help in the firefights now
  • Hunter Passive - Stacking Damage: the hunter had troubles scaling for higher difficulty enemies, and the passive (was critical hit %) is now a stacking damage for each arrow hit on the same enemy; will help a lot for ammo usage on harder difficulties and bosses
  • Enemy Aiming - Cover Peek Accuracy: when peeking from cover or very obstructed, enemies will have a slight aiming penalty now; so you are less likely to get insta-headshot while peeking
  • Enemies in Walls: fixed many issues with enemies spawning inside walls, mostly in ashen mountain and necropolis

These changes are **now live**. Full patch details are always here:
Full Patch Notes

Please continue to let us know any issues or general game feedback, we're always around (but most responsive on discord -- discord.gg/funktroniclabs). Thanks!

  • added enemy footsteps on in-place turn shuffles
  • added new hunter passive to stacking damage per hit
  • added sun run offline messages etc
  • improved bow attachment colliders volumes
  • improved bow scope attachment for use clarity
  • improved cover in Frozen Mountain zone worlds
  • improved hunter knife pouch slot position
  • improved throwing knife angle calculations
  • fixed ammo pouch not showing all ammos
  • fixed colt1911 magazine description bullet count
  • fixed guns going into inventory while held in some cases
  • fixed haptics scale setting not working
  • fixed health syringe being reusable after travel
  • fixed hunter bow attachments showing when in inventory
  • fixed hunter bow toggle grip setting usage
  • fixed hunter bow wrong charm activate button
  • fixed hunter knife floating and failing to return to pouch
  • fixed issue with difficulty setting when stage generation fails
  • fixed kar98k crystal slot rotation
  • fixed mixed reality localization issues
  • fixed mixed reality position wrong after dying
  • fixed money resetting on sun run or daily runs
  • fixed obsidian canteen not healing fully
  • fixed player invincible on boss3 death sequence
  • fixed stone heart healing when health over max
  • fixed sun run showing 0% incorrectly
  • fixed various enemies in wall issues (Ashen Mountain)
  • fixed various enemies in wall issues (Necropolis)
  • fixed various handling of stage generation failures
  • fixed various issues with loadout table ammo respawns
  • fixed wrong wand display on engineer class info
  • reduced bow base damage slightly
  • reduced charm cooldowns on non-rifle weapons
  • reduced enemy accuracy briefly when peeking from cover
  • reduced hunter knife drop rate slightly
  • reduced opacity on power shield rank 1
  • reduced winchester spread and falloff (buff)

Good luck out there. o7

Update 3.1 - Bug Hunter

Hello Soldiers, happy to see everyone enjoying the new changes in our "Shadow Hunter" major content update since last week (April 18). The new archer class seems to be quite well received, and fun to see folks putting in work in the new Sunless Keep world.

Since the Shadow Hunter launch, we’ve found a few issues and wanted to patch. We resolved the issue on level loading and made some balance improvements for the hunter class. There’s a lot of other bugfixes, thanks to everyone for reporting and sharing info so we can track them down quickly.
Thanks for letting us know the issues, and giving lots of helpful info to track these down. These changes are **now live**.

You can always find the full patch details here:
Full Patch Notes

Please continue to let us know any issues or general game feedback, we're always around (but most responsive on discord -- discord.gg/funktroniclabs). Thanks!

  • fixed some saves stuck in black screen mid-run
  • cleanup sunless keep double render issues
  • further improvements to quest2 performance
  • laser dot sight laser when attached to bow
  • fix laser dot attachment not adding damage
  • hunter: throwing knife damage increased (+5)
  • hunter: arrow limit increased (24 -> 32)
  • hunter: passive changed to critical hit bonus (10,20,30%)
  • hunter: added bow barrel attachment slot
  • hunter: more arrows given on respawn after death
  • fixed ammo pouch rendering above visual limit
  • fixed arrow homing continuing after arrow reuse
  • fixed various texture import settings (performance+)
  • fixed black screen after death on stages with rats
  • fixed arrows floating after hitting ragdolls
  • improved loot drop location after enemies falls off edge
  • made arrows also move after enemy falls off edge
  • fixed breacher ammo pouch getting hand stuck
  • fixed back arrow pouch grab sometimes grabbing sidearm
  • fixed wrong press used for bow charm update
  • fixed drone hud visible in minimal-ui mode
  • fixed inventory position issue (was hotfixed)

Update 3.0 - Hotfix 1

Quick hotfix for the inventory belt pouches getting into a weird position. Let us know if you find any other issues!

Update 3.0 - Shadow Hunter (Major Content Update)

Hello Soldiers, today we bring to you yet another major update to The Light Brigade -- Shadow Hunter.

Introducing the all-new Hunter (Archer) class, a master of stealth wielding a recurve bow and equipped with throwing knives. Explore the mysterious and newly hand-crafted procedural world of "Sunless Keep," and discover a wealth of new content including innovative tarot cards. Elevate your roguelike VR shooter experience. Join the battle today and master the shadows.

Available NOW as a free update. Let's dive in.

"Shadow Hunter Update" Trailer:

[h3]New Unlockable Class: The Hunter[/h3]
Step into the role of the Hunter, a new player class armed with a formidable recurve bow and lethal throwing knives. Perfect your aim and strategy to conquer your enemies.

[h3]New Procedurally Generated World: Sunless Keep[/h3]
Dive into the endlessly intriguing world of "Sunless Keep," a procedurally generated realm that promises a unique adventure with every playthrough.

[h3]New Tarot Cards[/h3]
Enhance your gameplay with an array of new tarot cards. Each card offers significant boosts, increasing your character's abilities during your runs.

Finally, a big chunk of fixes, tweaks and optimizations across the board. You can check the full changelist below or dive right in. Good luck on the battlefield, and as always, reach out to us through the Steam forums, Discord or Reddit with feedback or suggestions!


PS. These build notes can also be found here: Update Notes

[h2]Full Changelist:[/h2]
- upgraded unity version to 2021.3.35f1
- new: added hunter class (bow, throwing knife)
- new: added sunless keep area
- new: added nature tarot card set
- added difficulty text popup on run start
- added xr setting for haptics scale
- added palm-up quick grab for all sidearms
- fixed bug handling large donated sun total values
- fixed class table allowing unlocked class selection
- fixed damage zones still damaging after boss2 kill
- fixed insta-kill card effects
- fixed issues with missing chests in ASH stages
- fixed kar98k crystal slot position
- fixed left handed sniper inventory layout
- fixed random item shrine audio
- fixed random item shrine purchase price calculation
- fixed some issues with non-engineer drone going into pouch
- fixed some missing waypoints in temple on class unlocks
- fixed soul's light double damage not applying
- fixed various text errors on class descriptions
- fixed weapons sometimes not going back to holster
- improve shader pre-warming code
- improved placement of random shrines and npcs
- improved throwing calculations
- increased merchant room chest spawn rate
- moved temple sacred memories shrine up the hill
- optimized equipment lookups
- optimized save data handling
- optimized quest rendering
- optimized quest 2 rendering further
- split quest2 & quest3 builds to seperate packages

Any questions/feedback, hit us up on our Discord.