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  2. News
  3. Demo Update!

Demo Update!

Hey Survivors!

We're thrilled to announce a major update to the Survive the Fall demo, packed with improvements based on your invaluable feedback.
Before diving into the details, we want to highlight a crucial point:
old saves will not be compatible with this update.
We apologize for any inconvenience and hope you'll start fresh and share your thoughts on the new changes.
Key Improvements[/h2]

[h3]Looting Process Enhancements[/h3]
  • Automatic Resource Collection: Resources gathered by companions are now automatically collected without switching to the loot window.
  • HUD Display: Collected resources are now displayed directly on the HUD.
  • UI and Animation Upgrades: Enjoy smoother and more satisfying interactions with updated animations and UI changes.
  • Visual Feedback: Improved visual effects for accelerated looting (hold "F").
  • Key Binding Update: Changed the default “Take All” bind from "A" to "R" to avoid confusion with movement controls.
  • Tool Availability Notes: Clear indicators if a required tool is not available or if it’s in the backpack but not equipped.
  • Loot Type Indicators: Containers now show the type of loot they contain, like "scavenge chemicals" or "scavenge food".
  • Item Merging: Items found in containers will automatically merge with items in your inventory.

[h3]Combat Improvements[/h3]
  • Target Indicators: Clear UI indicators show the enemy you’re currently focused on and which enemy is fighting you.
  • Aiming Options: Multiple new aiming methods for ranged weapons are now available. Check out the showcase here.
  • Melee Combat Enhancements: Added snapping to enemies, warning animations, and increased zoning distance to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  • Damage Reactions: New hit reaction animations, specific to weapon types, to add more depth to combat.
  • Companion Combat AI: Companions will now target opponents not actively engaged with you.
  • Dynamic Attacks: Added leg animations for melee attacks, making them look more dynamic.
  • Improved Shooting Mechanics: Shots from ranged weapons now pass through companions correctly, enhancing combat flow.
  • Enemy Engagement Limits: Only two enemies will attack the controlled character at once, excluding ranged attackers.

[h3]Camp Improvements[/h3]
  • Tutorial Tweaks: Small adjustments to the tutorial for a smoother start.
  • Automatic Equipping: Companions are now automatically equipped for expeditions, though players can still customize their loadout.

[h3]What’s Next?[/h3]
  • Combat AI Automation: Options for automatic behaviors in combat, such as healing and ranged attacks.
  • Settler Automation: Planned improvements for automatic execution of settler tasks.
  • Building Progress Visuals: Visual effects to show construction progression.
  • Comprehensive UI Updates: Summary data for settlers, buildings, and rooms, along with time indicators.

We’re excited for you to experience these changes and can't wait to hear your feedback. Your insights are essential to us as we continue to refine and enhance Survive the Fall.

Stay safe out there, and happy surviving!

The Angry Bulls Studio Team