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  3. Combat in Survive the Fall

Combat in Survive the Fall

Today, we'll take a closer look at how combat works in Survive the Fall.
In STF you can choose to shoot your enemies with firearms or engage them directly with melee weapons. However, it's important to remember that Survive the Fall is an action-packed real-life experience - things happen quickly and without warning.

Charging head-on into battle may not always be the best approach. Fortunately, there's also a stealth mode available which allows you to see enemies' line of sight so you can sneak up on them from behind for some silent kills. You’ll appreciate just how effective knives can be in getting the job done.

In Survive the Fall, you don't have to do everything alone. Take advantage of the special planning mode which allows you to order your companions to engage or shoot an enemy - this can help you take out multiple foes simultaneously for a more efficient approach.

However, it's important to plan your actions carefully and wisely so that unintended enemies aren't triggered in the process. You don’t want the hunter to be hunted.