1. Survive the Fall
  2. News
  3. Unlock Your Potential

Unlock Your Potential

When Survive the Fall will be released (which will happen sooner than you think, but we will announce that properly at a later date), you can look forward to a variety of gameplay elements.
But today we don’t want to talk about the realtime-fighting system, that will give you an optional pause, in which you can give commands to your companions in order to gain the upper hand.
We also will not talk about the deep crafting system. No. We won’t.

And we will not dive into more info about the basebuilding process - but only because we did so already here.

No. Today we want to talk about a different aspect: Research and the tech tree.

When you are on your expeditions, you can find and loot certain knowledge items, which can be analzyed in the camp to gain science points. These points then can be invested to progress in the extensive techtree.

And when we say ’extensive' we actually mean it.

There are close to 200 items in six tiers that you can unlock. And each of them will be helpful either to enhance your camp, your crafting capabilities or strengthen your chances of survival out on your expeditions.

If you use/unlock them all, it is fully up to you, though.

We can’t wait to show you more of the game.

So, stay tuned!

The teams of
Angry Bulls Studio and Toplitz Productions


