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Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee News

New Language Update

Thanks to a community effort, we are pleased to now offer several new language options for Munch's Oddysee.

Players can now play the game with English, French, Italian, German and Spanish text and audio. The game will prompt you to select your language on starting.

Huge thanks to our community member, Jacopo Berti (SgabbitGabbiar), for starting the process and digging up the new languages.

If you're playing through again in a new language, send us your screenshots on Twitter @OddworldInc and we'll share with the whole community!

Munch's Oddysee Update 16

Hi all.

We've just pushed a patch live that fixes some of the missing HD assets that were lost in the previous update.



Demonic Achievement fixed

Hi all.

We've just pushed a small patch live today to the 2016 version of Munch's Oddysee that fixes the Demonic achievement.

Thanks for your patience with this one.


Demonic Achievement fixed

Hi all.

We've just pushed a small patch live today to the 2016 version of Munch's Oddysee that fixes the Demonic achievement.

Thanks for your patience with this one.


Munch's Oddysee 2016 Update 14

Hi Oddworld fans.

We're pushing live another update today that does the following:

1. Adds a few new higher poly models from Munch's Oddysee HD, namely the Big Bro Slig.

2. Offers higher-quality pre-rendered cut-scenes.

3. Fixes the instances where the camera would look at the wrong thing during real-time cut-scenes.

We'll continue to address outstanding issues with the game and - don't worry - we haven't forgotten multi-language support.

