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  2. News
  3. Patch Notes - v0.5.1b.107995

Patch Notes - v0.5.1b.107995

Note: See our previous Hot Fix and Letter from Heart Machine here: PATCH NOTES v0.5.1.107947

The best way to ensure we see your feedback and concerns is to post in the #hlb-support channel on our Discord: www.discord.gg/heartmachine.

Thank you to all of our players who graciously sent us crash dumps when encountering this issue. They helped us address the issue while we continued to work to reproduce the issue internally, as it is affecting only a portion of users and configurations.
We were able to do so, and have verified that this update addresses the crash we were seeing on those crash dumps.

Bug Fixes:
  • COMMUNITY ASSIST: Fixed a crash on startup related to cloud save handling.