MainFrames (PC) Review

Outside of its standout aesthetics, MainFrames is a novel pixelated take on precision platforming and a love letter to both platforming and retro PC enthusiasts.
In MainFrames, you take on the role of Floppy, a cutesy and very pixilated floppy-disc-inspired character. The game opens with Floppy venturing outside the confines of his cozy computerized quarters only to discover that his Personal Computer world or MainFrame (presumably) is in disarray with missing daemons or computer programs strewn about the game world, tasking the player to explore and repair its world.

MainFrames is split into seven distinct zones or levels, all connected by one main hub area, featuring various NPC characters that gradually add exposition throughout the roughly 3-hour playtime of the game. A standout character, outside of Floppy themselves, would be a Linux-inspired penguin that the player will meet early on their adventures, who, outside of looking adorable (like everything else in the... Read more