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[Neolithic]To the End News

Update, Version 20250204

[Item]New Item: Ghost Money
[Enemy]If you use Ghost Money on certain ghost enemies, they may take the Ghost Money and disappear. (It counts as if they escaped the battle, so no loot will drop.)
[Shopping]Several magic item vendors now sell Ghost Money.
[Dragon's Treasure]You can now exchange Dragon's Marks for Ghost Money. (1 Mark = 10 Ghost Money)
[Item]New Item: AAIPU Chip
[Loot]Assaulter M.K.IV and the Infinite Machine may now drop AAIPU Chips

Latest news from Ukraine/乌克兰小剧场

Update, Version 20250203

[Battle]You can now press the shift keys on your keyboard to make all animations in the battle faster. (5 times faster, to be precise.)
[Battle]The first time you get into a battle after this update, you can see a popup that informs you that you can hold down the shift keys to accelerate battle animations.
[Battle]Fixed a bug that, in sporadic cases, the battle may get stuck because certain animations cannot finish.

Latest news from Ukraine/乌克兰小剧场

Update, Version 20250202

[Enemy]New Enemy: Assaulter M.K.IV
[Enemy]Added unique AI for Assaulter M.K.IV enemies (Their guiding strategy is to quickly disable your entire group and then start to kill you.)
[Loot]Added an item loot list for Assaulter M.K.IV enemies. (Yes, they have lightsabers.)
[Wonderland Travel Agency]Random locations with machine entities may now have Assaulter M.K.IV enemies.
[Jiru Island]The South of Dana area and the Eastern Jiru Ridge's Dana side may now have Assaulter M.K.IV enemies.
【敌人】为突击者肆型加入了专用AI (他们的启发式策略是试图快速硬控你的队伍,然后开始慢慢杀光你的队伍。)

Latest news from Ukraine/乌克兰小剧场

Update, Version 20250201

[Jiru Island]Added a new BGM for the South of Dana area. (One of my favorite Japanese musicians' products is on sale, so I just purchased them and put one of them into the game.)
[Jiru Island]Battles will not interrupt the BGM of the South of Dana area.
[Eastern Jiru Ridge]This location now has Mudscale Snakes.
[SFX]Added the sound of frogs. It will play when frog/toad enemies attack you. It will also play when you pet a frog/toad pet.

Latest news from Ukraine/乌克兰小剧场

DD# 210 The Year of Snakes

Hi, everyone. Happy Lunar New Year! Welcome to the first developer's diary of the Year of Snakes.

As mentioned previously, we got a lot of snake-related content this week.
First, we got two more types of snakes in the game.

You may find those blue Water Snakes in some moist areas, such as the Sewer of Liu, while those Mudscale Snakes will appear in cave areas. You can turn them into your pets if you wish. Each of them may come with their own unique traits.

Meanwhile, a new type of enemy known as the Serpent-Men Infiltrators have infiltrated and trapped in the Abandoned House (a.k.a anomaly UPEX-5182)

If you don't want to go to those locations around the world to find them, they will also appear in random locations generated by the Wonderland Travel Agency. The Agency now has a new enemy theme, known as the Snake Entities. All maps with this theme will generate all kinds of snake-related enemies mentioned above, plus those already in the game.

Of course, they don't necessarily have to be enemies. The second big update of this week is a huge improvement on the "Snake Worship" tenet. If you have this tenet in your customized faith system, you can now find some more beneficial effects it has.

You can now spend devotion to turn snakes into your pets directly.
You can now spend devotion to pacify them.

Each type of snake may require a different amount of devotion for you to take those actions.

That's not everything. During this week's updates, we also finished another part of the Dark Elf King's story, and here is something for all our fellow ancient Stone Age players:

The return of Marifirya is on schedule. Get your pets ready if you know what that means. :D
To make this a reality, we also just got a massive map expansion all the way to the South of Dana, where we will continue many of our major storylines. But before that, I will work on some more machine creatures.

The Dark Alley of Liu also received some updates. The maps continue to expand to the North, and you can now convert those gangsters to follow your faith. At the end of the new expansion, it's another building holds a well-known local urban legend of China to be revealed. (You may already find its document in the local Public Security Bureau office.)

That's for this week. Happy The Year of Snakes! More snake-related content and some of the things I mentioned above will come the next week. The Spring Festival is temporary. The glorious evolution of NEOLITHIA is eternal!

The Full Update Log of This Week:
[Putting the Band Back Together]The Story continues.
[Item]New Item: Marifirya's Necklace
[Putting the Band Back Together]You can now get Marifirya's Necklace after finishing the part with the Black Frog King.

[Eastern Jiru Ridge]New Location: Eastern Jiru Ridge - Dana Entrance
[Butterfly]Added Butterfly support for the Eastern Jiru Ridge - Dana Entrance
[Butterfly]If you have visited the Chillwind Valley, you can now teleport there from any Eastern Jiru Ridge location.
[Assets]Changed the walking images of Serpent People. They now have black robes that fully cover them outside battles.
[Dark Alley]The map expanded to the north a bit.

[Jiru Island]New Location: South of Dana
[Butterfly]If you have visited the South of Dana, you can now teleport there from any Eastern Jiru Ridge location.
[Fishing]Added fishing data to the South of Dana
[Butterfly]The South of Dana is a Jiru outdoor area. Thus, all butterfly supports apply to this area.
[Conversion]You can now convert gangsters in the Dark Alley to your faith.
[Wiki]Updated the "Spread Your Faith" page.

[Enemy]New Enemy: Serpent-Men Infiltrator (They will attack alongside other snakes nearby.)
[Egypt]Serpent-Men Infiltrators may now appear in the Abandoned House.
[Loot]Added an item drop list for Serpent-Men Infiltrators
[Faith]The "Snake Worship" tenet now allows its followers to spend devotion to turn snakes into their pets.
[Wiki]Updated everything mentioned above to the Wiki.
[Egypt]Fixed a bug that caused the Abandoned House to have a lot of spiders.
【敌人】新敌人:蛇人渗透者 (他们会和附近的蛇一起攻击)

[Faith]The "Snake Worship" tenet now allows its followers to spend devotion to pacify snakes.
[Wiki]Updated the faith tenet page.
[Asset]Added art assets for a new kind of snake.

[Enemy]New Enemy: Water Snake. (You can turn them into pets)
[Liu's Sewer]Water snakes may now appear in this area.
[Wonderland Travel Agency]New procedurally generated location enemy theme: Snakes.

[Enemy]New Enemy: Mudscale Snake. (You can turn them into pets)
[Takedown]Added the takedown data for Serpent-Men Infiltrator, Water Snake, and Mudscale Snake. (So that you can get experience and loots correctly.)
[Wonderland Travel Agency]Locations with a Snake Enemy Theme may now have Mudscale Snakes.
[Loot]Water Snakes and Mudscale Snakes now have their own item drop lists.
[Wiki]Updated the pet page.
【推倒】为蛇人渗透者,水蛇,泥鳞蛇加入了推倒数据。 (从而你可以获得正确的经验值和掉落物。)

Latest news from Ukraine/乌克兰小剧场