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  3. Update, Version 20250202

Update, Version 20250202

[Enemy]New Enemy: Assaulter M.K.IV
[Enemy]Added unique AI for Assaulter M.K.IV enemies (Their guiding strategy is to quickly disable your entire group and then start to kill you.)
[Loot]Added an item loot list for Assaulter M.K.IV enemies. (Yes, they have lightsabers.)
[Wonderland Travel Agency]Random locations with machine entities may now have Assaulter M.K.IV enemies.
[Jiru Island]The South of Dana area and the Eastern Jiru Ridge's Dana side may now have Assaulter M.K.IV enemies.
【敌人】为突击者肆型加入了专用AI (他们的启发式策略是试图快速硬控你的队伍,然后开始慢慢杀光你的队伍。)

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