Hi, everyone. Welcome to the first developer's diary of February.
The Spring Festival holidays are over in China. (Well, in a traditional sense, it shall end after 15 days since the Spring Festival. However, in modern days, people have to get back to their work much earlier. Why? Don't ask, comrade. The official version is always to blame the USA. :D)
Anyway, the chaos is over. Now, let's get back to the game content of this week.
Last week, I mentioned many things in my plan. Instead of focusing on one, why don't we get as many of them done as possible? So, let's get started.
First, about the Spring Festival: It's a time for family reunions. In a traditional sense, the term family does not just refer to the living; it also extends to deceased family members. Thus, in rural areas of China, you can still see people holding ceremonies. Before the living starts their feast, the ghosts of the deceased shall "eat" the delicious food first. The living also shall burn ghost money for the deceased so that they can have a good afterlife. (Surprisingly, it's heavily influenced by Zoroastrianism, a religion of pre-Islamic Iran that somehow found its way to China long ago. Thus, people believe that fire can send items from the material world to the spiritual world.)
Thus, we now also have Ghost Money in the game.

In addition to its traditional usage, you can also use it to pacify hostile ghost entities.

Although not all ghosts can be pacified this way, it may be a good addition for you to clean some haunted locations without any tough fights.
Next, we need more types of heavier machine enemies in the Jiru direction other than those cannon fodder machine skeletons. So, here we go.

Near Dana, you can now find the new Assaulter M.K.IV units that serve as stormtroopers to break the defense lines of the survivors. They have their own AI scripts that focus on quickly disabling their targets and then taking them down with stronger attacks.
As more intelligent machines, they may also drop a new type of chip which may be useful in future updates when you craft something.

Other advanced intelligent machines may now also drop this type of chip too.
And then, another kind of snake just joined the game.

This new wind-element snake, known as Ehecacoatl, is somehow influenced by Aztec religions. You can find them near the entrance of the Xuanhuang Cave. They are not your mundane snakes. Instead, they may cast strong wind spells.
On the other hand, you may turn them into your pets or slaughter them to get their unique meat.

In many old religions, it's commonly believed that if you eat something, you can gain a slice of the power that once belonged to what you eat. At least, it's true in this case. But, in modern days, people rarely eat raw meat. Thus, you can use such meat to make dishes or make potions. Those dishes and potions can inherit the attribution that enhances your wind spell power.
In addition to a new snake, we also get something for Serpent-Men.
The Serpent-Men can now summon some mundane snakes to assist them in battles. However, that's not all. All civilization is nothing without faith. Thus, they now have their own faith, too.

That brings us to another Great Old One. Yig, the Father of Serpents, is who they worship.
In addition to what Lovecraft has written, what if all those Snake Gods and Goddesses, from Quetzalcoatl and Kuklkan in the Aztec and Mayan cultures to Nuwa and Fuxi in China, are merely avatars or offspring of Yig? What if many human leaders have been replaced by serpents and reptilians? You can find the Book of Yig dropped by the Serpent-Men or from the Great Library to unlock this new faith.

Faith is what you believe in, even if others may not agree. Do you want to believe this is the truth or burn it as another heresy?
One thing is certain: once you pick this as the core of your customized faith, you can get a lot of snakes on your side.
The best part is yet to come!
Here, another new feature just got added!
Say it again; time is about to speed up!

You can now hold down the shift key on your keyboard to make all battle animation runs much faster.

This is made in heaven!
OK, that's for this week. Have fun!
The full update log of this week:
[Jiru Island]Added a new BGM for the South of Dana area. (One of my favorite Japanese musicians' products is on sale, so I just purchased them and put one of them into the game.)
[Jiru Island]Battles will not interrupt the BGM of the South of Dana area.
[Eastern Jiru Ridge]This location now has Mudscale Snakes.
[SFX]Added the sound of frogs. It will play when frog/toad enemies attack you. It will also play when you pet a frog/toad pet.
[Enemy]New Enemy: Assaulter M.K.IV
[Enemy]Added unique AI for Assaulter M.K.IV enemies (Their guiding strategy is to quickly disable your entire group and then start to kill you.)
[Loot]Added an item loot list for Assaulter M.K.IV enemies. (Yes, they have lightsabers.)
[Wonderland Travel Agency]Random locations with machine entities may now have Assaulter M.K.IV enemies.
[Jiru Island]The South of Dana area and the Eastern Jiru Ridge's Dana side may now have Assaulter M.K.IV enemies.
【敌人】为突击者肆型加入了专用AI (他们的启发式策略是试图快速硬控你的队伍,然后开始慢慢杀光你的队伍。)
[Battle]You can now press the shift keys on your keyboard to make all animations in the battle faster. (5 times faster, to be precise.)
[Battle]The first time you get into a battle after this update, you can see a popup that informs you that you can hold down the shift keys to accelerate battle animations.
[Battle]Fixed a bug that, in sporadic cases, the battle may get stuck because certain animations cannot finish.
[Item]New Item: Ghost Money
[Enemy]If you use Ghost Money on certain ghost enemies, they may take the Ghost Money and disappear. (It counts as if they escaped the battle, so no loot will drop.)
[Shopping]Several magic item vendors now sell Ghost Money.
[Dragon's Treasure]You can now exchange Dragon's Marks for Ghost Money. (1 Mark = 10 Ghost Money)
[Item]New Item: AAIPU Chip
[Loot]Assaulter M.K.IV and the Infinite Machine may now drop AAIPU Chips
[Enemy]New Enemy: Ehecacoatl (You can turn them into pets)
[Loot]Added an item drop list for Ehecacoatl
[Wonderland Travel Agency]Random locations with a "snake entity" theme may now have Ehecacoatl
[Xuanhuang]Ehecacoatl may appear near the entrance of this cave.
The game now uses project management tools provided by Atlassian.
【敌人】新敌人:埃赫卡科特尔 (可以变成宠物)
[Loot]Ehecacoatl now drops their own type of meat instead of generic snake meat.
[Ehecacoatl Meat]Such meat can enhance wind spell powers.
[Ehecacoatl Meat]Such meat can be used for cooking and alchemy, and the final products often inherit the attribution that enhances wind spell powers.
[Ehecacoatl Meat]Such meat has a different icon that looks yellower than generic snake meat.
[Wiki]Updated the pet page and the alchemy page.
[Enemy]Serpent-Men Infiltrators can now summon some weak snakes to assist them in battles.
[Enemy]Serpent-Men Infiltrators now have their own unique AI script.
[Faith]New Faith Core: Yig
[Faith]New NPC Faith: Serpent-Men Faith
[Enemy]Serpent-Men Infiltrator now follows the Serpent-Men Faith
[Battle]Capture pets will no longer trigger any faith effect as if you killed them.
[Item]New Religion Book: The Book of Yig (It unlocks the Yig faith.)
[Loot]Serpent-Men Infiltrators may now drop The Book of Yig.
[Faith]New Religion Group: Snake God Religion
[Faith]The "Snake Worship" tenet is free if you follow a Snake God Religion.
[The Grand Library]Added a copy of The Book of Yig on the Floor of Religion.
[Wiki]Updated the faith pages on the wiki.
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