DD#215 The Lucifer Within Us, Part III
Hi, everyone. Welcome to another week's developer's diary.
This week's progress is all around the Floor of Philosophy in the Grand Library.
You may have wondered why the Floor of Philosophy seems in less disarray than other floors that fell during the cultist's attack. The answer has been revealed.
Two previously mentioned characters have made their appearance on this floor.

He took the cultist's attack as an opportunity, acted accordingly, and expanded this influence and power.
Now, he is claiming to be the librarian of this floor.
Is he?
"There is no truth, only interpretations."
Although Machiavelli serves as the introduction character of the situation, you will soon find yourself interrupted by another man standing beside him.

He considers the suffering and obstacles to be something to overcome, something meaningful for heroes to grow. He despises the social norm that encourages the content of being weak and relying on others.
Thus, by combining their power, instead of praying for an external power to intervene, they get everything under control and even capture some invaders they are discussing how to deal with.
Of course, as the developer, I am, after all, a human being. Thus, I have my personal preferences. You will find more content on Nietzsche than on Machiavelli this week.
There are more dialog options on Nietzsche; one of them requires some historical skills to unlock, and another can unlock a new faith tenet you can use when building your customized faith.

When talking about Nietzsche, you just cannot not have the Will to Power here.
It encourages growth. It tells you to be your most authentic self so that you will not fear or be silenced just because you are different than the herds of "normal." It certainly makes a lot of people angry, just as Nietzsche did in his time. Thus, it also allows you to cause additional emotional damage.
During the dialogs, you may also find some hints that Nietzsche may have already broken the veil and seen the supernatural world behind it that can make weaker minds falter. But that also makes him sometimes look and sound like a madman in the eyes of those who cannot understand.

Well, Nietzsche is just so awesome! (And he really wrote a book about why he is so awesome. It's in the public domain.)
Of course, not all philosophers are so badass that they totally annihilated all invasion forces.
Some just don't care.

As long as you don't block their sun and... WiFi signals.
This is based on the famous conversation between Alexander the Great and Diogenes.
Now you know who is inside that big urn. :P
Well, to be fair, I think many of us nowadays can live quite content as long as there is a stable internet connection. Maybe, the few hours after work and before sleep online is the only happiness to many adults. Such small happiness is the only thing that allows them to endure their lives in this quite fucked up world.
Should you want an urn of your own, you can now also purchase it as a furniture from various furniture vendors.

That's for this week, a kickstart of the stories on the Floor of Philosophy. The story shall continue further in the next.
The full update log of this week:
[The Grand Library - Floor of Philosophy]You can now enter the librarian's room.
[The Grand Library - Floor of Philosophy]Some story content shall start automatically when you enter.
【大图书馆 - 哲学层】你现在可以进入图书管理员的房间。
【大图书馆 - 哲学层】在你进入的时候,一段剧情会自动触发。
[The Grand Library - Floor of Philosophy]You can now find and loot a corpse wearing a librarian's uniform in the storage room.
[The Grand Library - Floor of Philosophy]Added some basic dialogs on the captives.
【大图书馆 - 哲学层】你现在可以在储藏室里找到并搜刮一具穿着图书管理员制服的尸体。
【大图书馆 - 哲学层】为被抓获的人员加入了一些简单的对白。
[The Grand Library - Floor of Philosophy]Added dialogs for Friedrich Nietzsche. (One dialog option is locked behind a history skill check.)
Added a function to quickly get the highest life skill level of the entire group.
【大图书馆 - 哲学层】为弗里德里希·尼采加入了对话内容。(一个对话选项需要足够的历史知识解锁。)
[Faith]New Tenet: Will to Power
[The Grand Library - Floor of Philosophy]Added a new dialog option on Friedrich Nietzsche.
[The Grand Library - Floor of Philosophy]The background music will change during this new dialog option path.
[The Grand Library - Floor of Philosophy]This new dialog option path can unlock the Will to Power tenet.
[Wiki]Updated the Fatih Tenet page.
【大图书馆 - 哲学层】为弗里德里希·尼采加入了一个新的对话选项。
【大图书馆 - 哲学层】该选项对话过程中会有一个不同的背景音乐播放。
【大图书馆 - 哲学层】该对话选项会解锁信条:权力意志
[Item]New Item: <>
[The Grand Library - Floor of Philosophy]Added the intro dialogs and the common greeting dialogs for Machiavelli.
【大图书馆 - 哲学层】为马基雅维利加入了介绍和日常打招呼的对话内容。
[The Grand Library - Floor of Philosophy]Machiavelli will now explain more about how he became the librarian.
[The Grand Library - Floor of Philosophy]Added another room on this floor. It has a 3D printer and some scrolls that you can loot. (You will need to push some chairs around to get all of them. Maybe you can even call it a puzzle.)
【大图书馆 - 哲学层】马基雅维利现在会解释他是怎么变成图书管理员的。
【大图书馆 - 哲学层】加入了一间新的房间,包含了一台3D打印机和一些你可以搜刮的卷轴。(你需要搬动一些椅子来获得全部的物品。也许你甚至可以把这个当成解谜来玩。)
[Furniture]New Furniture: Urn (You can use it as a storage container.)
[Shopping]Various furniture vendors now sell Urns.
[The Grand Library - Floor of Philosophy]Added another philosopher. He is in an urn.
【家具】新家具:瓮 (你可以把它作为储藏容器。)
【大图书馆 - 哲学层】加入了另外一个哲学家,在一口瓮里面。
Latest news from Ukraine/乌克兰小剧场
This week's progress is all around the Floor of Philosophy in the Grand Library.
You may have wondered why the Floor of Philosophy seems in less disarray than other floors that fell during the cultist's attack. The answer has been revealed.
Two previously mentioned characters have made their appearance on this floor.

He took the cultist's attack as an opportunity, acted accordingly, and expanded this influence and power.
Now, he is claiming to be the librarian of this floor.
Is he?
"There is no truth, only interpretations."
Although Machiavelli serves as the introduction character of the situation, you will soon find yourself interrupted by another man standing beside him.

He considers the suffering and obstacles to be something to overcome, something meaningful for heroes to grow. He despises the social norm that encourages the content of being weak and relying on others.
Thus, by combining their power, instead of praying for an external power to intervene, they get everything under control and even capture some invaders they are discussing how to deal with.
Of course, as the developer, I am, after all, a human being. Thus, I have my personal preferences. You will find more content on Nietzsche than on Machiavelli this week.
There are more dialog options on Nietzsche; one of them requires some historical skills to unlock, and another can unlock a new faith tenet you can use when building your customized faith.

When talking about Nietzsche, you just cannot not have the Will to Power here.
It encourages growth. It tells you to be your most authentic self so that you will not fear or be silenced just because you are different than the herds of "normal." It certainly makes a lot of people angry, just as Nietzsche did in his time. Thus, it also allows you to cause additional emotional damage.
During the dialogs, you may also find some hints that Nietzsche may have already broken the veil and seen the supernatural world behind it that can make weaker minds falter. But that also makes him sometimes look and sound like a madman in the eyes of those who cannot understand.

Well, Nietzsche is just so awesome! (And he really wrote a book about why he is so awesome. It's in the public domain.)
Of course, not all philosophers are so badass that they totally annihilated all invasion forces.
Some just don't care.

As long as you don't block their sun and... WiFi signals.
This is based on the famous conversation between Alexander the Great and Diogenes.
Now you know who is inside that big urn. :P
Well, to be fair, I think many of us nowadays can live quite content as long as there is a stable internet connection. Maybe, the few hours after work and before sleep online is the only happiness to many adults. Such small happiness is the only thing that allows them to endure their lives in this quite fucked up world.
Should you want an urn of your own, you can now also purchase it as a furniture from various furniture vendors.

That's for this week, a kickstart of the stories on the Floor of Philosophy. The story shall continue further in the next.
The full update log of this week:
[The Grand Library - Floor of Philosophy]You can now enter the librarian's room.
[The Grand Library - Floor of Philosophy]Some story content shall start automatically when you enter.
【大图书馆 - 哲学层】你现在可以进入图书管理员的房间。
【大图书馆 - 哲学层】在你进入的时候,一段剧情会自动触发。
[The Grand Library - Floor of Philosophy]You can now find and loot a corpse wearing a librarian's uniform in the storage room.
[The Grand Library - Floor of Philosophy]Added some basic dialogs on the captives.
【大图书馆 - 哲学层】你现在可以在储藏室里找到并搜刮一具穿着图书管理员制服的尸体。
【大图书馆 - 哲学层】为被抓获的人员加入了一些简单的对白。
[The Grand Library - Floor of Philosophy]Added dialogs for Friedrich Nietzsche. (One dialog option is locked behind a history skill check.)
Added a function to quickly get the highest life skill level of the entire group.
【大图书馆 - 哲学层】为弗里德里希·尼采加入了对话内容。(一个对话选项需要足够的历史知识解锁。)
[Faith]New Tenet: Will to Power
[The Grand Library - Floor of Philosophy]Added a new dialog option on Friedrich Nietzsche.
[The Grand Library - Floor of Philosophy]The background music will change during this new dialog option path.
[The Grand Library - Floor of Philosophy]This new dialog option path can unlock the Will to Power tenet.
[Wiki]Updated the Fatih Tenet page.
【大图书馆 - 哲学层】为弗里德里希·尼采加入了一个新的对话选项。
【大图书馆 - 哲学层】该选项对话过程中会有一个不同的背景音乐播放。
【大图书馆 - 哲学层】该对话选项会解锁信条:权力意志
[Item]New Item: <>
[The Grand Library - Floor of Philosophy]Added the intro dialogs and the common greeting dialogs for Machiavelli.
【大图书馆 - 哲学层】为马基雅维利加入了介绍和日常打招呼的对话内容。
[The Grand Library - Floor of Philosophy]Machiavelli will now explain more about how he became the librarian.
[The Grand Library - Floor of Philosophy]Added another room on this floor. It has a 3D printer and some scrolls that you can loot. (You will need to push some chairs around to get all of them. Maybe you can even call it a puzzle.)
【大图书馆 - 哲学层】马基雅维利现在会解释他是怎么变成图书管理员的。
【大图书馆 - 哲学层】加入了一间新的房间,包含了一台3D打印机和一些你可以搜刮的卷轴。(你需要搬动一些椅子来获得全部的物品。也许你甚至可以把这个当成解谜来玩。)
[Furniture]New Furniture: Urn (You can use it as a storage container.)
[Shopping]Various furniture vendors now sell Urns.
[The Grand Library - Floor of Philosophy]Added another philosopher. He is in an urn.
【家具】新家具:瓮 (你可以把它作为储藏容器。)
【大图书馆 - 哲学层】加入了另外一个哲学家,在一口瓮里面。
Latest news from Ukraine/乌克兰小剧场