Update - v0.37.1
[h2]Updates to v0.37.1[/h2]
- Reduced the effects of Bloom to be a bit less intrusive on Gameplay.
- Fixed the Light Null Reference on the main menu.
- Added a Patch for Players not having their Ingot Storage Racks appear after loading in on certain occasions.
- Added a slight Red/Green tinge to the 'Press [V] to Show/Hide Tips' and other Important info Text to be more noticeable.
- Added the Gas Bottle to new Interaction Text - Current Gas Flow and Remaining Gas will be displayed on the Cursor Info Text rather than the Controls Text - The [E] & [F] Keys (Default) are now shown separately rather than being combined onto one line.
- Implemented a more realistic Gas Bottle exchange with the Hardware Store, players will now need to Disconnect their Gas Bottle from Home, bring it to the Hardware Store to have it Exchanged for a New Full one.
- Adjusted and repositioned the Main Interaction Text to be a little smaller and more compact across both Interaction Text Elements
- Added an Animation & SFX to show the player visibly throwing rubbish when disposing of Waste in the Bin at the front of the House.
- Incorporated real-time Cloud Based Error Exception logging which will help fix certain bugs that produce Error Exceptions during runtime.
- Added some Popup Hints to the tutorial that point out some not so obvious features, also even some obvious ones, more so just to break things down a bit more within the tutorial.
- Added a "Progress for the Day' Page which is presented when sleeping, this will give the player some insight to the Progress that was made during the day, from Profit/Loss, Materials Gained, Items Scrapped, etc, also made it somewhat dynamic by only showing Stats that were changed to avoid showing irrelevant Stats - Which over time, given player feedback can be used to create a more balanced experience.
- Reworked the Time Handler, rather than trying to calculate a day length on start-up it is now a Static number that will represent a 30 minute Day Length, which should stop the Random outcomes for some players.
- Heavily cut back on a lot of the Environmental Visual Effects, The overall Atmosphere, Clouds/Sky, Lighting, Ambient V/SFX Effects etc, won't look as good now or are completely gone all together, however performance should be back to where it was before this new Framework Replacement to remain more a simplistic look that isn't resource intensive.
- Added the 'Small Crate' Item to the Hardware Store - Which can be used to transport multiple Small Objects at a time, this will still work with larger items, though the Bounds will not be visible for Large Items.