Major Update - v0.37
[h2]Updates to v0.37[/h2]
- Fixed Rain not properly colliding with the Hardware Store roof and making its way inside.
- Changed the Colouring of the Player house to more match the other buildings in the game and the general style of the game.
- Fixed the Sleepy Effect not fully stretching across wider Aspect Ratio Screens.
- Fixed the Bug where players returning from a version less than v0.33 would be missing their Ingot Carry Box.
- Added the ability to change the UI to 24-Hour Time within the Gameplay Settings.
- Reduced the amount of aerial vehicles that fly over to be a bit less intrusive on gameplay.
- Removed the old [L] Flashlight but also added a permanent less intense Light to the Character to have more seamless lighting toward Objects the player is close to.
- Fixed the Loading Percentage starting at 100% and some random spots where the Percentage would not accurately represent the current progress.
- Briefly reworked the Chem Station, primarily simplifying the timers and how they Initiate and finalise which should help stop the Beaker Script getting stuck in an endless Loop - Rest assured it's still heading for a full overhaul in the very near future.
- Added some small tips to the Tutorial briefly explaining that a Disassembly Queuing system exists and to point out the 'Press [V] for tips' text certain on Items/Objects/Mechanics.
- Created a more streamlined Bug Report feature within the game (Accessed by Pressing [F8]) which should make the Process of Creating bug reports easier and a bit less of a hassle for players.
- Removed the Crypto feature from the PC as it was a bit nonsensical in the sense of Scrapping, as well as the Browser App temporarily until it can contain new webpages - Anyone with owned Scrapper Coin will be refunded the Mid Value as compensation - This is in hopes to return to a more Simple Game Style and help limit the Randomization of Economy outcomes where some players may struggle each day to earn $$ and others make bank on day 1.
- Reduced the size of some of the River Fish to be a bit more realistic and not look so out of place.
- Reworked the Info Panel displayed in the Upper Right (Cash, Energy, Date/Time etc) to be a bit less intruding and more clean, also a Small Weather Icon has been added to show the current Weather - The Day of Month, Month & Year text has also been removed as Seasons and Month Progression have become redundant and are no longer used.
- Along with the Visual Change to the Info Panel the way Energy is determined has been completely reworked, it is no longer a value that gets deducted as time passes, it is now a direct representation of the percentage left in the playable time (7am-11:30pm) and the Current Time passed, so Energy is not longer a value that needs to be Saved/Loaded as it references the Current Time to determine it's value.
- Removed the Cozy 2 Weather Framework due to being the cause of the un-fixable Thunderstorm Bug and implemented the new and improved Cozy 3 Weather Framework, which has far better functionality and customization when it comes to the Weather, Atmosphere, Sky, Colours etc.
- Reworked the way a Day Length is handled, this value can now be changed at will without breaking time related systems - Along with this the day length has been shortened from 2400 Seconds (40 minutes) to 30 Minutes to achieve at least 2-4 day cycles for the average play length of 1-2 hrs, which the cost of Power per kw has been reduced to compensate for this.
- Removed Cozy's Built-In Seasonal Weather Cycle and created a Rarity Based system to Randomly Determine the Weather as to be a bit more consistent throughout the game and being more in my control rather than being at the mercy of the EcoSystem, the game will remain in a more permanent 'Spring' state being mostly Clear Days - This will avoid the Solar Panels becoming near useless in the later game when entering Winter - Weather has potential to change while sleeping and is also Saved/Loaded again.
- Along with the new Weather Selection System there has also been some new Weather Profiles introduced, All Weather rarities and Solar Reductions are listed below;
- Clear | 90% Chance | 1x Solar Capabilities (No Reduction)
- Mostly Clear | 70% Chance | 0.9x Solar Capabilities
- Partly Cloudy | 50% Chance | 0.7x Solar Capabilities
- Mostly Cloudy | 40% Chance | 0.5x Solar Capabilities
- Dense Clouds | 20% Chance | 0.4x Solar Capabilities
- Overcast | 15% Chance | 0.3x Solar Capabilities
- Light Rain | 10% Chance | 0.25x Solar Capabilities
- Heavy Rain | 5% Chance | 0.15x Solar Capabilities
- Thunder Storm | 3% Chance | 0.05x Solar Capabilities
(No Reduction means @ 100% Sun Intensity the Weather will have no Impact on the Solar Generated, thus it will generate at 100% Capabilities | 0.05x Solar Capabilities @ 100% Sun Intensity the weather will severely be restricting the Solar Capabilities and will result in a Max of 5% output despite the 100% Sun Intensity) - To go with the Weather Update the Ambient Lighting has been reduced to give more Depth to Objects and making Shaded areas Darker which will bring more use to Building Lights - Also the Sun Light Intensity will be adjusted according to the current Weather Profile so the lighting can coincide with the appropriate weather (IE Clear = Nice and Bright lighting | Thunder Storm = Dull and Dreary lighting).
- With the above Ambient Lighting Change, Street Lamps will now remain active during the day if the Weather is Overcast, Light Rain, Heavy Rain or Thunder Storm to aid in vision on these darker, less bright days.
- Added an NPC Dog to the Scrap Yard which will wonder around the Scrap Yard and protect the area during the night while the Scrap Yard is Closed - Upon the first initialisation (first time loading into v0.37 or starting a new game) 1 of 5 Random Skins/Colours for the Dog will be selected and is carried out permanently over your Gameplay.
- Added the ability for [ESC] to close NPC Dialog immediately without having to go back to the First Interaction Page to Close the UI.
- Removed a lot of redundant Debug Logs however also added some new ones where it may come in handy in the future when tracking down issues/bugs.
- Added a patch for those that may have lost a Bucket or more with the new box system update, when loading in the patch will determine the amount of missing Buckets from your Save Data and return them into the Lost & Found Box.
- Fixed the Vault Door from warping when being opened.
- Removed the repeating Idle Furnace notification and replaced it with just a Single popup when the Furnace initially becomes Idle, to avoid getting stuck in a loop of notifications.
- Fixed some E-Waste Items having certain Child Error FX show when initially Spawning the Item.
- Added LODs to the Furnace Kit and Chem Station Objects to improve performance while away from home.
- Halved the max number of Fish that spawn in the Shore and Mid sections of the Ocean to help improve overall performance.
- Moved the Precious Metal Vault Box Drop Location outward to make it easier to trigger the collision when returning the Cardboard Box Home.
- Reworked Time related mechanics Such as Furnace Smelting and Chemical Refining, Current tasks will now immediately be completed when Sleeping (Metal becomes molten in Crucible, Ingot in Mould becomes Cooled, Chemical Reaction Finalised etc) - Along with the realistic benefits to this addition there has also been realistic drawbacks implemented, where Gas Consumed will now be calculated during the time skipped while sleeping, which could leave you with an empty gas bottle in the morning if left running overnight - Which should now fully integrate all Time Related mechanics into the Time Skipped while Sleeping.