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War Robots: Frontiers News

0.17 Patch Notes (December 19, 2024)

Attention, Pilots! The following patch will be deployed for War Robots: Frontiers and available for playtest participants following a short period of maintenance on December 19, 2024. Find out how to join the Playtest here, then play until December 23!
[h2]New Content[/h2]
  • The UI/UX has been reworked for the Hangar, Workshop, and Warehouse.
  • Added new despawn/warp VFX in the Hangar before a match starts.
  • Added new spawn/warp VFX when a match starts.
  • Added new features
    • In-Game Voice Chat
    • Leagues
      • As players participate in matches, players will receive league points depending on their performance and match results, allowing players to progress through various League ranks and receive subsequent rewards.
  • Added new Robot AI.
  • Added 29 new Common Pilots and Pilot Bios.
  • Added new Pilot reactions for various events in the game such as:
    • Talent activation
    • Pilot/Player interactions (taunting, etc.)
    • Match announcements (close to victory, etc.)
  • Added effects for Robots interacting with the environment such as:
    • Interactions with vertical and horizontal surfaces
    • Effects for direct collisions with surfaces (e.g. walking, landing after jumping)
    • Effects for indirect interactions with surfaces (flying)
    • Effects will destroy destroyable objects if applicable
  • Added Brazilian Portuguese localization.
[h3]Technical Improvements[/h3]
  • Improved the quality of the following maps:
    • Catalyst
    • Fissure
    • Spectrum
  • Improved localization.
  • Improved client stability.
[h3]Game Adjustments[/h3]
  • Adjusted the leveling progression. The highest Level is now 80.
  • Account level indications of other players’ accounts have been removed from the interfaces.
  • Team Deathmatch:
    • The pickup “3x damage” has been changed to “2x damage” and has been visually adjusted.
  • Reworked the VFX for the following Gears:
    • Energy Dome (Varangian Torso)
    • Firestorm (Harpy Torso)
    • Umbrella
    • Reflector
    • Homing Salvo (Alpha)
    • Nanite Field (Matriarch)
    • Defense Fleet (Matriarch)
  • Reworked the VFX for the following weapons:
    • Scourge
    • Scrubber (Matriarch)
    • Jigsaw (Grim)
    • Orkan
  • The Gear “Flashbang” now has a two-step activation:
    • The first step scans for targets upon activation.
    • The second step confirms the target in focus and activates the Gear effect on the target.
[h3]Balance Changes[/h3]
  • Quantum
    • The scattering pattern of the projectile fragments has been slightly changed. The divergence to the maximum became shorter.
  •  Echo Burst (Orochi Torso)
    • Damage to armor now applies evenly across the whole explosion area.
    • Armor damage to each armor zone has been reduced by 50%. At the highest level, the damage has been reduced from 16,000 to 8,000.
  • Gozer
    • The reload behavior has been reworked. The weapon now features a magazine and no longer automatically partially reloads.
      • The reload speed is 2.5 seconds and remains unchanged across all levels.
      • Armor damage increases with the weapon’s level. The value of armor damage at the highest Level has been increased from 322 to 350.
  • Tusk
    • Increased the initial projectile speed from 25,000 to 38,000.
    • Increased the initial X-Axis spread from 3 to 5.
    • Increased the initial Y-Axis spread from 5 to 8.
    • Increased the effective range from 10,000 to 50,000.
  • Zeus
    • Reduced damage to armor from 15,362 to 14,200.
    • Increased damage to shields from 11,200 to 15,800.
  • Trebuchet
    • Reduced the damage to armor. At the highest level, the damage has been reduced from 11,265 to 10,363.
  • Railgun
    • Increased the damage to armor. At the highest level, the damage has been increased from 4,163 to 4,614.
  • Jigsaw
    • Damage to armor has been reduced from 33,000 to 25,000.
    • Damage to shields has been reduced from 33,000 to 25,000.
    • Projectile speed has been reduced from 30,000 to 25,000.
  • Trident
    • Area damage to armor has been increased from 1,580 to 2,000.
    • Projectile speed has been reduced from 80,000 to 65,000.
    • Time to reload has been reduced from 2.8 seconds to 2.3 seconds.
    • Time between shots has been reduced from 2.18 seconds to 1.8 seconds.
      • Rate of Fire is now 33 rounds per minute (was 28).
  • Scatter
    • Projectile damage is reduced by 50% when passing through obstacles.
  • Reflector
    • Charge duration values from attacks have been increased from 288-167 to 293-220.
  • Flashbang
    • Charge duration values from attacks have been increased from 259-150 to 293-220.
    • Charge value obtained from defeating enemies has been decreased from 80 to 45.
  • Homing Missile
    • Charge duration values have been changed from 484-280 to 466-350.
  • Infinite Ammo
    • Charge duration values have been changed from 432-250 to 399-300.
  • Mine Field
    • Charge duration values have been changed from 432-250 to 399-300.
  • Nanite Repair
    • Charge duration values have been changed from 432-250 to 399-300.
  • Spotlight
    • Charge duration values have been changed from 253-167 to 293-220.
  • Gamma Beam
    • Charge duration values have been changed from 288-167 to 293-220.
  • Umbrella
    • Charge duration values have been changed from 253-167 to 293-220.
[h3]Bug Fixes[/h3]
  • Fixed bugs with camera views in the Hangar.
  • Fixed a bug that caused font issues with localization for Chinese (Simplified) and Turkish.
  • Fixed a bug where the Pilot Talent “Aggressive Negotiations” did not activate after dealing 200,000 damage with Abilities.
  • Fixed a bug where Robots were floating slightly above the platforms in the Hangar.
  • Fixed the incorrect description of the Pilot Talent “Quick Reflexes”. It now correctly mentions that the Shield Regeneration Delay is affected.
  • Fixed localization issues of the Pilot Talent “Confident Shot”.
  • Fixed a bug where the weapon “Shocktrain” would always deal 2,000 damage across all charge levels. The damage now proportionally increases with its charge level.
  • Fixed a bug where the shield regeneration value was too big between level 1 and level 2.
  • Fixed a bug for Raven Shoulders where the shield regeneration value was too big between level 1 and level 2.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes made it impossible to close the Steam overlay.
  • Fixed a bug on the map “Fissure” where players could get stuck on certain parts next to the Crusher.
  • Fixed a bug where Fenrir’s Ability “Berserker” would cause significant performance degradation.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to fly on top of the building in the center of the map “Fissure”.


Get more of the latest news like this by following the game on X (Twitter) and Facebook and joining the official Discord server

You can also wishlist and follow War Robots: Frontiers on Steam to get the latest updates there.

Need help? Contact our Support team to report any issues you’re facing on the Wild Ten.

[h5][p]                                                Follow MY.GAMES on Steam                                                [/p][/h5]

Playtest: Play War Robots: Frontiers From December 19–23!

Ready to take on the Wild Ten? Play War Robots: Frontiers as part of our Playtest from December 19–23 and help shape the future of mercenary mecha mayhem. 

This Playtest will introduce a new UI, UX changes, and voice chat. We look forward to hearing your feedback about these features!

IMPORTANT: This Playtest is only available to Pioneer Pack owners. It allows us to test the stability of new builds with a clean slate before deploying to the main Early Access version of War Robots: Frontiers. 
[h2]Playtest Dates & Times[/h2]
  • Start: December 19 at 10:00 CET (09:00 GMT / 01:00 PT / 04:00 ET)
  • End: December 23 at 10:00 CET (09:00 GMT / 01:00 PT / 04:00 ET)

[h2]Playtest Rewards[/h2]
Participants will receive a “Playtest Crew” Sticker, 3 days of Premium, and 6,000 Credits for completing the in-game survey.


IMPORTANT: The Playtest Crew Sticker will remain available to you when the game leaves Early Access. If you have already received this Sticker from previous playtests, you will only receive one. Other rewards are subject to progress wipes. 
[h2]Feedback & Support[/h2]
Join the official Discord server to make your voice heard about the Steam Playtest. You can reach out to our Support team to report any issues you’re facing on the Wild Ten.
[h2]How To Download The Playtest[/h2][h3]Steam[/h3]
To get access to the War Robots: Frontiers Playtest on Steam, you need to:
  • Own the license for War Robots: Frontiers grants "War Robots: Frontiers Playtest". Players can access the PTS in their Library.
  • Click "Install".
  • After installation, you can press "Play" to participate in this Playtest.
IMPORTANT: This Playtest is only available to Pioneer Pack owners. It allows us to test the stability of new builds with a clean slate before deploying to the main Early Access version of War Robots: Frontiers.
[h3]MY.GAMES Launcher[/h3]
  • Click War Robots: Frontiers Public Test Server to install the MY.GAMES Launcher and the appropriate playtest version.
  • After installation is complete, check your library in MY.GAMES Launcher, and locate the "War Robots: Frontiers Public Test Server" project.
  • Press "Play" to participate in the playtest.

Stay tuned to our official X (Twitter) and Facebook channels, join the official Discord server for news regarding future game milestones, and subscribe to the newsletter for exclusive updates. 


[h5][p]                                                Follow MY.GAMES on Steam                                                [/p][/h5]

Maintenance – 11/12/2024

War Robots: Frontiers servers are scheduled to enter maintenance at the following time:
  • Maintenance Time: 11/12/2024 at 13:00 UTC
  • Estimated Downtime: 1 hour

The game servers will be inaccessible during this time. Keep an eye on our official social channels and Discord for further updates, and to find out when War Robots: Frontiers servers are live again.

Thank you for your patience!

Wandering Star: Festive Fun From December 5–January 15!

Every year, Pilots come together to watch a mysterious comet grace the skies above the worlds of the Wild Ten. Celebrate the Wandering Star's return with battle rewards, including a festive Wrap, Sticker, and Decal from December 5 to January 15!
[h2]Login Event: Daily Battle Drops[/h2]
Log in and play one battle daily from December 5 (11:00 CET/03:00 PT/06:00 ET) to January 15 (11:00 CET/03:00 PT/06:00 ET) to receive up to seven festive rewards (Early Access players only):
  • Day 1: 20 Intel
  • Day 2: 1,500 Credits
  • Day 3: Jolly Stocking Sticker
  • Day 4: 15,000 Salvage
  • Day 5: Cold Kills Decal
  • Day 6: 40 Intel
  • Day 7: Festival Wrap
IMPORTANT: All Credit and Salvage rewards will be wiped at the game's launch in 2025.

Cosmetic rewards are not subject to progress wipes.

[h2]Save Salvage: Upgrade Boost Event[/h2]
We're testing out a few changes to upgrades. For a limited time, upgrading Weapons, Robot Parts, and Modules will require less Salvage and Intel, making it cheaper and easier for you to level up your gear.

The prices for crafting and upgrading modules have been adjusted for every level:

Common modules:


Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8

Level 9

Level 10

Level 11

Level 12

Level 13





60 Intel




110 Intel




230 Intel

Uncommon modules:


Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8

Level 9

Level 10

Level 11

Level 12

Level 13





90 Intel




165 Intel




345 Intel

Rare modules:


Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8

Level 9

Level 10

Level 11

Level 12

Level 13





120 Intel




220 Intel




460 Intel

The experience and intel required to upgrade Pilots has been adjusted for every level:

Pilot level

Experience per level

Intel Cost per level Upgrade















IMPORTANT: This event is exclusively available on the Early Access version of War Robots: Frontiers.
[h2]Contest: Star Showcase[/h2]
Create a screenshot, video, or fanart of your festive build in War Robots: Frontiers, and share it with the hashtags #WRFShowcase and #WRFrontiers on X (Twitter), Facebook, Instagram, Steam Community Hub, YouTube, and Discord before December 31 for your chance to win a Festive Croc Sticker and special Discord role! Check out the rules here.

Keep your eyes on the skies, Pilots, and don’t miss the Wandering Star! 

Maintenance – 05/12/2024

War Robots: Frontiers servers are scheduled to enter maintenance at the following time:
  • Maintenance Time: 05/12/2024 at 09:00 CET (UTC)
  • Estimated Downtime: 1 hour

The game servers will be inaccessible during this time. Keep an eye on our official social channels and Discord for further updates, and to find out when War Robots: Frontiers servers are live again.

Thank you for your patience!