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  3. Reality Break is in Roguelike Celebration Celebration 2024!

Reality Break is in Roguelike Celebration Celebration 2024!

[h2]Roguelike Celebration Celebration 2024[/h2]

Hi all! I'm thrilled to announce that Reality Break is in this year's Roguelike Celebration Celebration festival and Steam event, just like last year. This is a big deal because roguelikes are my favorite meta-genre and were of course a gigantic inspiration for my game.

Not only that, but my proposal for a "lightning talk" was accepted, so I will be one of this year's speakers! I'll be giving a talk about cheating in games -- by design! It's something I love experiencing in games and love discussing, so check it out this weekend. My talk is on Sunday at 6:30 CDT!

[h2]Player feedback[/h2]

I have been monitoring player feedback from all sources, including Steam forums, social media posts, and others. Thank you for your thoughtful comments and discussions! I'm thinking carefully about good paths forward for aspects of the game like a death penalty (survival bonus), experience gains for high level kill streaks, UI suggestions, design of walled "space dungeon" maps, and demo profile saves in the full version. That last one is covered in more detail below, and I'll give updates on the others (as well as other feedback I have collected and will continue to collect) in the future.

[h2]Demo profiles in the full version[/h2]

I have given this a lot of thought, because there are many competing elements. The plan is outlined below.

[h3]After completing the full version story campaign:[/h3]
  • demo players get a 5x RP multiplier until the bonus RP they get has used up the RP they accumulated in the demo, up to maximum of 5,000.
  • all aptitudes unlocked in the demo become available.
  • all pilots from the demo version become unlocked for use.

I aimed for something that recognizes demo players who have put effort into the game without trivializing the game's full version launch, including new players who might feel like they missed out, as well as acknowledging the fact that demo RP gains were flat out broken at one point.

[h2]Thank you![/h2]

I guess I'm sounding like a broken record by this point, but seriously, I SO appreciate all of your incredible positivity and encouragement as I continue working to bring Reality Break to you all. Solo indie devs don't have teammates, of course, so seeing feedback from players is a wonderful treat. We're getting close!
