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  3. v1.00.0 hotfix 6 patch notes

v1.00.0 hotfix 6 patch notes

Reality Break v1.00.0 hotfix 6 has gone live.

Courtney's notes: This hotfix includes a substantial overhaul of the game's UI text presentation, the first pass at improving text legibility across the board with a particular focus on comfort when playing the game on handhelds such as Steam Deck.

I've been made aware of two fixes related to graphics drivers that allowed players to resolve big performance problems:
  1. if you're on Nvidia driver v572.16 and experiencing extremely poor performance, please try reverting to an older version or upgrading to a newer one. v572.16 has been reported by various players as causing a host of massive problems in various games.
  2. if you're using an AMD graphics card, one of my players who was experiencing a repeatable crash to desktop when jumping into a mission has reported that updating to the February 20th Optional AMD Drivers fixed the problem.

In addition, I'm tracking the following performance problems for a fix:
  1. stuttering on high refresh rate monitors: I've ordered a 180Hz monitor so I can diagnose the problems in my dev environment.
  2. players on HDDs as opposed to SSDs: I've implemented a few improvements for the game hitting the hard drive unnecessarily, and have also ordered an HDD so I can test this myself.
  3. high enemy density: more improvements will be coming here over time.

This update also includes a smattering of other fixes and improvements as requested by the player community - thank you for letting me know what you'd like to see in the game!

  • reduced the impact of object pool initialization when starting the game by amortizing it over time more effectively
  • added more effects to object pool

[h3]Quality of Life[/h3]
  • tripled the auto-pickup radius for currencies dropped in space as well as for health, energy, and supercharge drops
  • Resource drops are now automatically collected at the same distance as currencies. If ejected from your ship's inventory, they will not be auto-collected again until you leave and re-enter their auto-pickup radius.
  • if you have two or more equipped weapons that are either all Primary or all Secondary, pressing either the Primary or Secondary fire input will fire all of them

  • increased proc chance of Laser debuff from 10% to 50%, and increased its potency from +100% to +200% Secondary Weapon damage taken
  • increased refund chance for the Vibrant Acuity talent from 50% to 75%
  • increased the Armor multiplier from the Fortify Skill from 20% to 50% per level, and made it scale with all enemies within 200 meters instead of 100
  • reduced the damage scaling for Pilot Skills that use Total Damage Output to bring them closer to weapons (dev note: This affects Superheated, Negate Existence, and Asteroid Barrage. For example, Negate Existence was being used as a pure dps Skill that outpaced any possible weapon combo even without factoring in the Execute bonus. However, I'm continuing to monitor this heavily and will adjust as needed, in particular making sure that all Aptitude Ranks are achievable.)
  • increased Resource drop rates from Asteroids by 100%
  • increased Resource drop rates from enemies by 900%
  • dramatically increased spawn chance of recurring antagonist at higher story campaign completion levels during a given cycle (dev note: leveling your pilot past lv10, equipping Epics/Artifacts, and progressing the story will all increase the chance the this antagonist warps into your mission - as long as you're surrounded by several enemies)

[h3]Bug fixes[/h3]
  • fixed being unable to click on 'X' button to close the Navigation dialog
  • fixed display strings for rewards from side missions that would rank up an Aptitude if completed at a higher Challenge Level
  • fixed weapon damage scaling from the following affixes: power source (e.g., Energy-based vs Ammo-based), specialization (e.g., Phaser vs Launcher), and subspecialization (e.g., Primary vs Secondary) (dev note: this fix represents a buff to weapon damage, in some cases a substantial improvement if you were running many such affixes)
  • fixed loss of ship and UI control inputs if Navigation dialog was open during a jump sequence
  • fixed various consistency issues when displaying numerical bonuses from certain Affixes in various contexts, such as weapon type damage bonuses in item tooltips and the Stat Details panel
  • fixed extra visual fx spawning and not being cleaned up for the ship buff applied by one of the unique Launcher weapons
  • fixed not being able to Abandon Mission in the Chaos Vortex