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  3. v1.00.0 hotfix 4 patch notes

v1.00.0 hotfix 4 patch notes

Reality Break v1.00.0 hotfix 4 has gone live.

Courtney's notes: This hotfix lands with a variety pack of upgrades, including increased projectile combat performance, fixes for a couple of progression blockers, resolution for a few areas of broken balance or outright exploits, improved UX clarity, and other fixes!

Thank you again for posting all the bug reports and feedback - I'm continuing to work through them to address the highest-priority issues, and I will eventually get through them all.

Also, one thing I'd like to address is the player feedback about larger-sized items, such as Warship class items. Those items are not for larger ship types. Take a closer look at a large item's tooltip after you have unlocked Rewriting and you'll discover something powerful you can do with it!

  • implemented the first pass at an Auto-Pooling system, currently just for projectiles as well as their launch fx and impact fx, which aims to reduce the performance impact of projectile combat dramatically throughout the game
  • disabled generic fx spawned unnecessarily by projectile impacts that were critical hits since there's a separate and far more performant system for spawning those
  • non-Epic Swarmer firing rate has been reduced by 33% because it was way above other Swarmers (its dps has been counterbalanced)
  • disabled impact fx triggering impact sounds that would follow the object, which was an unnecessary expense
  • reduced max particle counts on Rakeris boss encounter by 90%
  • optimized the terrain on the Rakeris encounter map, reducing its memory and render requirements
  • added support for disabling terrain decals during the Rakeris encounter (dev note: this is currently bound to the HD Clouds setting in the Options dialog until the next batch of localization goes through)

  • if the player's ship is destroyed during the story mission "Gathering: The Magic", the protective barrier granted by the mission is now correctly reapplied
  • restored the Into the Vortex button functionality on a lategame end-of-cycle popup
  • don't spawn recurring antagonist as early in any given cycle
  • the crafting NPC no longer becomes inoperable if certain missions are skipped and then the campaign is completed

[h3]Quality of Life[/h3]
  • the Loot Filter now has three additional toggles that allow items meeting certain criteria to bypass the filter's standard logic (Rarity rewrite, Affix Type rewrite, and Codex set completion) (dev note: this exposes functionality that already existed under the hood and defaulted to on, but that behavior was confusing to many players, so these Loot Filter bypasses now default to off.)

  • rebalanced RP multiplier scaling from Expert Goals by bringing it in line with other RP multipliers instead of being wildly out of balance when incorporating the Strive for Excellence and/or Finesse talents
  • substantially improved the recurring antagonist's loot table

[h3]Bug fixes[/h3]
  • fixed item loss resulting from dragging an equipped item onto another item in the ship's inventory that was not currently equippable in the source slot
  • fixed certain rarity rewrites of common weapons resulting in a Selbar weapon
  • fixed exploit in the Chaos Vortex that allowed for risk-free survival time in the miasma with the Walking With Ancients talent
  • fixed exploit with repeatedly boosting an Affix Fragment while the Vibrant Formulation subtalent is active
  • fixed equipped Drones firing too many shots in certain circumstances
  • fixed gaining phantom Drones above the currently unlocked # of slots when rewriting an equipped Drone's rarity to Epic or higher
  • fixed certain Expert Goals tracking instances of damage taken by player ship outside of the correct story mission map