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  2. News
  3. v1.00.0 hotfix 1 patch notes

v1.00.0 hotfix 1 patch notes

Reality Break v1.00.0 hotfix 1 has gone live (0642)

Courtney's note: I'm working on hotfix 2 right now, with more stability and progression fixes. Thank you very much for your patience as I work through the avalanche XD.

  • fixed game getting into a very bad state if the local system calendar was set to any of the following: ThaiBuddhist, UmAlQura, Hijiri
  • fixed rare crash when hovering the cursor over an equip slot in the ship UI
  • fixed stability problem that occurred in certain instances of processing nearby loot drops in space for two of the tutorials

  • fixed complete progression blocker if you purchased the Quantum Frame Regulator Chassis while ship inventory was full
  • removed Price from the tutorial chassis to prevent a situation where you didn't have enough credits to purchase it at that step

[h3]Bug fixes[/h3]
  • fixed input binding for Rewrite functionality not yet being visible in the Rebinding UI when first instructed to rewrite the Fate Core
  • fixed Codex Set 8 requiring Drone items that are not yet implemented