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The Chronicles Of Myrtana: Archolos News

The Chronicles of Myrtana: Mod of The Decade Edition - Teaser #2


December 10 remains an important date for all members of our team for many years to come. Today, together with you, we want to celebrate the third anniversary of the release of our mod. We have prepared a short video with a snippet of the content you can expect in the upcoming Mod of The Decade Edition.

We would also like to briefly flesh out a few facts and answer the most frequently asked questions:
  • As you can learn from the video, we are still working on the 2.0 version. Much slower than before the release due to personal and professional reasons, but we are moving forward.
  • The release date is still undetermined; we will only announce it when we are completely sure when we can deliver the update.
  • Mod of the Decade Edition (also called the 2.0 version) will be released simultaneously with the (obviously free) Hardcore Mode DLC. Mind that, you don't need to run Hardcore Mode to enjoy most of the new features of the 2.0 version
  • If you want to keep up to date with everything we are currently working on, join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/FHDHweuCVB

So, grab a mug of Dark Paladin in your hand and enjoy!

The Chronicles of Myrtana: Archolos is now available in Hungarian!

Big thanks go to Hungarian translators from our community for their hard work!

If you intend to switch to the Hungarian localization, right click on CoM: Archolos in your Steam library, choose "Properties" and go to the "Language" tab.

WARNING: It is not possible to load savegames after you switch to Hungarian language! You need to start new playthrough.

To report translation bugs in the Hungarian version, we recommend posting them on our Discord.

If you want to help translating the game into your own language or help the existing translation teams, get in touch with us on our Discord: https://discord.gg/FHDHweuCVB

Have fun!

Russian voiceover is now available!

Big thanks go to Train Studio for their hard work! They involved many wonderful voice actors, whose voices you know from movies, games and even from the Russian voiceover of original Gothic series.

Russian voiceover will be automatically downloaded if you've selected Russian language in game options.

Have fun!


Patch 1.2.11

Patch 1.2.11 is available now!

Here is a list of changes:
  • Fixed an issue in quest "Who is who" where player could be locked in dialogue with NPCs
  • Fixed an issue in Silbach where dialogues with NPCs could close at a certain time (from 9:00 to 14:00)
  • Fixed localization issues in Polish, English, Russian and German
  • Fixed minor issues in some quests

Patch 1.2.10

Patch 1.2.10 is available now!

Here is a list of changes:
  • Fixed localization issues in Polish, English, Czech, Italian, Spanish, Russian and German
  • Improved game performance and power consumption on some hardware. Most notable difference can be observed on portable devices like laptops, especially with low end processors. On Steam Deck power consumption of CPU decreased from ~6.5 watts to ~3.5 watts in our tests which can extend battery life even by 45-60 minutes.
  • Fixed font used in English localization. In some books the text was displayed out of bounds.
  • Fixed minor issues in some quests